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NKR: Artsakh Youth Indignant

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  • NKR: Artsakh Youth Indignant


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    26 Jan 05

    The youth of Artsakh is indignant with the recent irresponsible
    statement made by the US Assistant Secretary of State Elizabeth
    Jones. The representative of the youth public organization `Haiki
    Serund' on foreign relations Yervand Hajiyan said, several youth
    organizations, particularly `Youth Center', ` Miasnutyun', `Haiki
    Serund', `YMCA', as well as the youth wing of the NKR Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation sent a letter to the US Embassy in Armenia
    addressed to the Vice Secretary of State of the USA Elizabeth Jones,
    considering her the statement referring to Nagorni Karabakh as
    unacceptable. The letter runs, ` First of all, it is wrong to compare
    the Nagorni Karabakh conflict with other conflicts in the region; it
    essentially differs by its causes and peculiarities. Since
    independence a democratic state is being built here and it is not
    accidental that the American human rights organization `Freedom House'
    mentions in its annual reports that in NKR democracy, civil rights and
    freedom are on a more stable ground than in the neighbour country and
    other unrecognized coun tries. And this under the lasting blockade
    imposed by Azerbaijan and without the assistance of the international
    community. The international observers monitoring the elections in the
    republic since the declaration of independence testify to the fact
    that Nagorni Karabakh develops in the direction of democracy.
    Therefore, your statements that NKR is ruled by criminal elements, and
    our country is corrupted lack logic.' According to Yervand Hajiyan,
    theAmerican top official brought a false accusation against Nagorni
    Karabakh. `In fragile peace maintained by the armistice of 1994 any
    irresponsible action or statement may shatter the situation. The
    statement of E. Jones may damage the processof peaceful regulation of
    the Karabakh conflict,' mentioned Y. Hajiyan.
