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NKR: Nothing to Hide From The World

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  • NKR: Nothing to Hide From The World


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    26 Jan 05

    `We have nothing to hide from the international community and we are
    ready to show to the OSCE monitoring mission both the regions of the
    Republic of Nagorni Karabakh and the regions controlled by the
    Karabakh forces.' The NKR vice foreign minister Masis Mayilian
    told this to the news agency `Mediamax' commenting on the upcoming
    visit of the OSCE Minsk Group to Nagorni Karabakh on January 30 aiming
    to monitor the situation in the regions under the controlof the
    Karabakh authorities. Masis Mayilian reminded that earlier the
    Karabakh government invited similar missions to Nagorni Karabakh for a
    number of times to get acquainted with the real situation and denying
    the groundless accusations of Azerbaijan against NKR. `We commend the
    visit of the OSCE monitoring group to Nagorni Karabakh and are ready
    to assist to the works of the group in anyway,' said the vice
    minister. In reference to the situation in the regions controlled by
    the Karabakh side Masis Mayilian said, `In the framework of our state
    program re-settlement is implemented within the boundaries of the
    NKR.' At the same time he emphasized that the Azerbaijani side
    makes attempts to accuse the NKR authorities of re-settlement in the
    territories outside the republic, i.e. the territories forming the
    security area around Nagorni Karabakh. Many international
    organizations, whose representatives have had the opportunityto visit
    these territories, know that here mainly refugees from Azerbaijan
    live, whose number is insignificant compared to the former population
    of these regions. According to him, after being forced out from
    Azerbaijan people settled these regions not having normal living
    conditions. The vice foreign minister mentioned that the role of the
    government is confined to maintaining control over these territories,
    which is successfully implemented. Masis Mayilian endorses the
    necessity of forming a similar group and to monitor the territories
    occupied by Azerbaijan forming 15 per cent of NKR, which will,
    according to him, enable the OSCE mission to have an objective idea of
    the situation in the territories controlled by the parties of the
    Karabakh conflict. The meetings of the monitoring group, as well as
    the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen with NKR president Arkady Ghukassian
    are planned in the framework of the visit.
