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Armenian Atomic Dilemma

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  • Armenian Atomic Dilemma

    Armenian Atomic Dilemma

    Aging nuclear power station is a vital source of energy for Armenia, but its
    future is uncertain given its location on geological and political

    By Kerob Sarkisian in Yerevan, Sophie Bukia in Tbilisi and Idrak Abbasov in
    Baku (CRS No. 271, 26-Jan-05)

    Its four giant cooling towers dominating the skyline outside Yerevan, the
    Metsamor nuclear power station is a huge presence in Armenia - and a major
    controversy outside it.
    Armenians depend on the station for about 40 per cent of their electricity,
    so most believe they cannot do without Metsamor - even bearing in mind the
    potential risks from the earthquake-prone land it has stood on for three
    "I have worked at the station for many years and I don't think it is more
    dangerous than any other in the world," said Metsamor employee Araik
    Ovsepian. "Of course, it would be better to live further away from it,
    especially as they keep the nuclear waste on site. But I want to work in my
    own [professional] field, and I need to feed my family."
    Constructed in 1976, the twin-reactor station sits near major geological
    faultlines, one of which caused the Spitak earthquake that killed at least
    25,000 people in 1988. Metsamor is also in one of Armenia's most densely
    populated areas. The capital Yerevan is 30 kilometres away.
    Only one 440-megawatt reactor is running today, but the European Union says
    that given the plant's location and age and the need for its nuclear fuel to
    travel by air, Metsamor should close down altogether. The plant, which is
    managed by Russian electricity giant RAO UES, also gives rise to concerns in
    the immediate region. The Turkish border is just 16 kilometres away, Iran's
    about 60 kilometres, and Azerbaijan and Georgia are less than 150 kilometres
    "God forbid that there should be an earthquake there. There would be a
    catastrophe, and there would be radiation fallout within a radius of at
    least 400 kilometres," said Yetermishli Kurban, deputy director of
    Azerbaijan's Seismological Centre.
    Georgian Green Party leader Giorgi Gachechiladze added, "According to
    computer modelling done by our experts, if anything happens on the Armenian
    plant's territory, we'd have only eight hours to evacuate Tbilisi's
    Alvaro Antonian, the head of Armenia's own National Seismic Protection
    Service, said he couldn't rule out the possibility of another major
    earthquake before 2008 or 2010, it would happen in the south of the country,
    relatively far away from Metsamor.
    Armenian officials insist that Metsamor was specially built by Soviet
    engineers to survive earthquakes of up to 8-9 on the Richter scale. And
    although of a similar vintage, the VVER-440 reactor it uses is safer than
    the type at Chernobyl, experts say.
    During the 1988 earthquake, the nuclear plant withstood tremors measuring
    five to six on the Richter scale. Both reactors at the plant were shut down
    in the aftermath of that earthquake, but the second unit was restarted in
    1995 because of the country's dire need for energy.
    While Metsamor was out of action, the country suffered electricity
    rationing, economic decline and environmental damage as people felled trees
    to get through the freezing winters.
    "The tragedy was that many people left in winter, while those who stayed had
    to warm themselves with firewood and other fuel. This led to deforestation
    of Yerevan and the surrounding areas and reduction of the population by a
    third," said a report by the PA Consulting Group, which represents USAID in
    The European Union argues that the risk of accidents or earthquakes is too
    great, and that more effort must be made to find alternative power sources.
    In June last year, the EU froze a grant of 100 million euros because of what
    it said was the Armenian government's slowness in fulfilling earlier
    commitments to close the station.
    One detail that worries the EU - which wants to see the closure of
    Chernobyl-era power plants right across Europe - is Metsamor's lack of a
    secondary containment facility, a failsafe in case of radioactive spills.
    Another problem is the need to fly in fuel on Russian planes through
    Georgian airspace to Armenia. That "is the same as flying around a potential
    nuclear bomb" said Alexis Louber, head of the EU delegation in Armenia, who
    has been quoted as saying the plant poses "danger to the entire region".
    Metsamor general director Gagik Markosian said the flights, which pass over
    Georgia, take place once a year.
    However, Soso Kuchukhidze, in charge of nuclear energy matters at the
    Georgian environment ministry, insisted that flights are made only once
    every five years. and said he thought there was no danger.
    "We know precisely when the fuel is to be transported and on what plane. The
    fuel which is carried through Georgia's airspace is totally harmless and
    presents no danger whatsoever until it enters the reactor's active zone and
    the chain reaction begins. When passing through Georgian airspace, the fuel
    is a normal substance emitting no radiation."
    Kuchukhidze said the last load was shifted in the summer of 2004, when two
    planes transported about 32 tonnes of fuel.
    Many Georgians appear poorly informed about the issue, which is rarely, if
    ever discussed in the media.
    Gachechiladze, the Green Party chairman, said he had never been told. "The
    law says no sort of nuclear materials can be transported through Georgian
    territory. We are not talking about ordinary fuel. It must be enriched
    uranium, which is very dangerous..
    "Those who allow it should be imprisoned. Can you imagine what will happen
    if such a plane crashes?"
    An additional worry is the waste material generated at Metsamor, said Akob
    Sanasarian from the Union of Armenian Greens. The practice of burying the
    waste on site - in facilities constructed with technical aid from French
    firm Fromatom - "cannot be allowed from a security and ecological
    standpoint," he said.
    But the main obstacle to shutting down Metsamor is that Armenia simply does
    not have the natural resources or the money to find working alternatives.
    Energy minister Armen Movsisian said it would cost one billion dollars to
    stop the plant. "Negotiations with the [European] Commission are still
    underway. Armenia is offering to identify what sources could become the
    basis for building new, alternative capacities. But today, when we have no
    financial means available, we cannot talk about the closure or any
    One plan, which part of the EU grant was meant to help finance, is to lay a
    gas pipeline from Iran. However, Movsisian said using gas to power
    thermoelectric stations would result in higher electricity bills and have a
    negative effect on the economy as a whole.
    Electricity tariffs in Armenia are already double those in Russia, according
    to RAO UES head Anatoly Chubais. Prices in Georgia are still higher.
    Hydroelectric schemes are also limited by the lack of major water resources
    in Armenia other than Lake Sevan, which is already suffering the effects of
    Soviet-era ecological damage.
    While some have even called for a new nuclear plant to be built, Armenian
    and Russian experts believe that Metsamor can still function safely for at
    least another 11 years.
    Plant director Markosian said 35 million dollars had been spent on
    improvements since the reopening of the reactor, and 22 million euros have
    been provided under the EU's TACIS programme. "The safety level at power
    plant two has increased since 1995 compared with 1989 when the plant was
    stopped. We can say with assurance that the safety of the plant has been
    growing yearly."
    Markosian said that this second unit should be kept running to the end of
    its 30-year service life. Taking into account the six-year period it was
    switched off after the earthquake, that would be 2016. However, similar
    Russian plants have seen their service life extended by another 15 years,
    raising the possibility that Metsamor will stay in operation until 2031.
    For neighbouring Georgia, the Metsamor debate is complex. Though some fear
    potential disaster, Georgia has its own energy shortages and relies in part
    on electricity that Armenia, thanks to Metsamor, is able to export.
    Georgia buys between 100 and 150 megawatts of electricity daily from
    Armenia - not from Metsamor, but from the Razdan thermoelectric power
    station. Bur Georgian energy minister Nika Gilauri warns, "if the Armenian
    nuclear power station stops, it will be impossible for Armenia to export
    electricity to Georgia. Armenia will have available 400 megawatts less than
    Despite its oil and gas resources, Azerbaijan also experiences electricity
    shortages - particularly in the southern Nakhichivan autonomous region,
    which is separated from the rest of the country by Armenian territory,
    leaving it somewhat isolated ever since the war over Nagorny Karabakh in the
    early Nineties.
    Armenian energy ministry representative Levon Vardanian said at an
    EU-sponsored conference in Baku last November that Yerevan was ready to
    export electricity to Nakhichevan.
    "We know that there are certain problems with electricity supplies in the
    Nakhichivan Autonomous Republic, and we are prepared to cooperate with
    Azerbaijan in restoring existing links," Vardanian said. "Energy specialists
    are always ready for cooperation and politicians must set aside the
    However, Azerbaijan's deputy prime minister Abid Sharifov said there was no
    chance of such cooperation as long as the conflict between Azerbaijan and
    Armenia remained unresolved.
    "As long as there is no peace deal with Armenia, there can be no talk of
    mutual links. They can come here to take part in conferences, but that does
    not mean we want to begin some sort of links with them," he said.
    Kerob Sarkisian is a correspondent for Iravunk newspaper in Yerevan. Sophie
    Bukia is a correspondent for 24 Hours newspaper in Tbilisi. Idrak Abbasov is
    a correspondent for Ayna newspaper in Baku. All three journalists
    participate in IWPR's South Caucasus Network project.