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Turkey wins removal of Armenian genocide from German schools, report

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  • Turkey wins removal of Armenian genocide from German schools, report

    Deutsche Presse-Agentur
    January 26, 2005, Wednesday
    10:34:20 Central European Time

    Turkey wins removal of Armenian genocide from German schools, report


    Pressure from Turkey has resulted in the removal of a reference to
    the Armenian genocide from a German school curriculum, reports said

    The eastern German state of Brandenburg has eliminated half a
    sentence on the Armenians included in ninth and tenth grade history
    classes after a Turkish diplomat complained to state Prime Minister
    Matthias Platzeck, the newspaper Die Welt reported.

    In a chapter entitled "War, Technology and Civilian Populations" the
    school book text said "for example, the genocide of the Armenians
    population of Anatolia."

    That passage has now been removed from school textbooks, the
    newspaper said.

    Platzeck met regularly with Turkish diplomats and was "steeled"
    against their influence, the newspaper quoted him as saying. The
    prime minister added that genocide was too important an issue to be
    dealt with in just half a sentence.

    "Brandenburg's curriculum was the only one in Germany which up until
    now included a reference to the murder of the Armenians," said Die

    Most historians say that between 600,000 and 1.5 million Armenians
    were killed in 1915 and 1916 under the Ottoman Turks during World War
    I. The Turkish government, which denies that a genocide took place,
    speaks of 200,000 dead.

    A Turkish embassy spokesman in Berlin declined to comment directly on
    the report, but noted the initiative had come from the Turkish
    consulate responsible for Berlin and Brandenburg - not from the
    embassy itself.

    Prime Minister Platzeck is a member of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's
    Social Democrats (SPD). Schroeder is a strong supporter of Turkey's
    bid to become a member of the European Union. Germany has almost two
    million resident Turks - the biggest Turkish minority in the E.U.

    The Christian Democratic Union (CDU), which serves as junior
    coalition partner in Brandenburg's government, is infuriated over the
    change to the state's schoolbooks.

    "The impression created is fatal," said Sven Patke, the state CDU
    secretary general.

    The head of the Central Committee of Armenians in Germany, Schavarsh
    Ovassapian told Die Welt the move was "a scandal."

    "It is depressing, if what's in schoolbooks in Brandenburg can be
    dictated from Ankara," he said. dpa lm pb