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Government approves food security concept

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  • Government approves food security concept

    Jan 26 2005


    YEREVAN, JANUARY 26, ARMENPRESS: The Armenian government approved
    on January 25 the "concept of food security", whereby it wants to
    make Armenia meet international standards of self-sufficiency in
    agricultural products by 2015. The program envisages that in ten
    years Armenia's agriculture and food processing industry will be able
    to secure 75 percent of domestic demand in foodstuffs.
    Hrachya Tspnetsian, a senior official from the Agriculture
    Ministry, said after the Tuesday government session that Armenia
    meets now only 55 of its domestic demand for foodstuff. He added that
    the success of food security program depends largely on the
    purchasing power of the population. Another goal of the program is to
    enable every Armenian to consume at least 2,100 kilocalories a day,
    an amount which doctors say is the "physiological minimum."
    Armenia has to import now all consumed sugar, cooking oil and part
    of meat, wheat, but imports no fruits, potatoes and other vegetables.
    The food security concept was developed by an inter-ministerial
    commission. According to national statistical service, monthly
    earnings of each member of an urban household make 12,000 drams
    (approximately $25) and in rural areas 7,000 drams. Fifty-three
    percent of that money comes from wages, 10 percent from sale of
    agricultural products, 10.5 percent from state benefits and
    allowances and another 22 percent from money remittances from abroad.
    An average Armenian family spends two thirds of its budget on food.