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BAKU: US ambassador criticizes PACE resolution on Garabagh

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  • BAKU: US ambassador criticizes PACE resolution on Garabagh

    Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
    Jan 27 2005

    US ambassador criticizes PACE resolution on Garabagh

    Russia is playing both negative and positive roles in resolution of
    the Upper Garabagh conflict, along with many other conflicts in the
    former Soviet Union, US ambassador to Azerbaijan Reno Harnish told
    journalists. Russia's role in the Garabagh conflict is undeniable, he
    Harnish said, however, that the conflict resolution does not depend
    only on US and Russia and that the Azerbaijani and Armenian
    presidents should step up efforts in this area.
    Touching upon the passed PACE resolution on Upper Garabagh, the
    ambassador said that it is of `decorative' nature, saying that he
    disagrees with the conclusions made in the document.
    In reply to a question whether US will continue providing aid to
    Armenia, which was recognized as aggressor in the resolution, Harnish
    said that Washington has always pursued a consistent policy.
    `From this standpoint, the aid being provided is aimed at achieving
    peace in the region.'
    Touching upon President Aliyev's visit to Iran, Harnish said that the
    US is not concerned over this. As for establishing US ties with Iran,
    he said that three issues need to be resolved first.
    `First, Iran must abandon developing weapons of mass destruction,
    second, stop supporting international terrorism and third, end its
    efforts at hampering development in the Middle East.'*