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Atkinson's report will not save Azerbaijanis

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  • Atkinson's report will not save Azerbaijanis

    PanArmenian News
    Jan 27 2005


    PACE resolution on Karabakh cannot be considered an achievement of
    Azerbaijan dimplomacy.

    Hearing the report on Karabakh, prepared by the British deputy David
    Atkinson, the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly passed a
    resolution. The Assembly accepted only one of the three amendments
    proposed by Armenian delegation. Nevertheless, the final edition of
    the text does not pose any threat to Armenia and cannot become a
    ground for undesirable processes.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Baku leaders assert that they are satisfied with
    the passed resolution and find the resolution quite acceptable for
    Azerbaijan. However, Baku oppositionists and independent political
    scientists do not hold the same opinion. They have detected a number
    of points that are dangerous for Azerbaijan. In-depth study of the
    resolution text allows to note that the Azerbaijani should have no
    less pretensions to Atkinson than Armenians. To make sure, let us try
    to go through some of the points of the passed resolution.

    In the first point there is something not accepted for Yerevan, since
    in this part of the document it is mentioned about the `occupation of
    considerable parts of the territory of Azerbaijan' and the `control
    of separatist forces over Nagorno-Karabakh region'. But the
    Azerbaijani didn't manage to achieve mentioning of Armenia in that
    point. Here the matter concerns `occupation' by `Armenian forces',
    that is to say Karabakh with whom official Baku refuses to contact.

    The second point is most problematic for Azerbaijan. In this part
    PACE actually confirms that the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh will
    be fully allowable if it is achieved through a lawful process. In the
    resolution it is mentioned: `...independence and secession of a
    regional territory from a state may only be achieved through a lawful
    and peaceful process based on democratic support by the inhabitants
    of such territory'. This formulation which is completely undesirable
    for Azerbaijan was kept in the final version of the document.

    The third point is about the necesseity of fulfilling the four
    resolutions of the United Nations. It should be mentioned that all
    the resolutions passed yet in the war did not only call Armenians to
    quit the territories under control, but also demanded from Azerbaijan
    to agree on armistice immediately. It was Baku that broke the
    resolution first. This was admited also by the former co-chairmen of
    OSCE Minsk group, for instance Nikolay Gribkov.

    The fourth point of the resolution touches upon the inadmissibility
    of the use of force and condemns aggressive appeals and `military
    propaganda'. This cannot refer to Armenia since aggressive appeals
    are made from Baku only. Thus, this point is also a stone thrown in
    the garden of Azerbaijan.

    In the fifth point it is mentioned about the necessity to create an
    `ad hoc Committee' within the frames of PACE for dealing with the
    Karabakh conflict. Regardless of the wish of Azerbaijan to involve
    European Union in the process of conflict resolution, the `ad hoc
    Committee' will not dublicate the mission of the Minsk group but will
    become a bridge between the two mediators and the Assembly. The
    Committee will be formed of the deputies representing the member
    countries of the Minsk group and will `report annually to the
    Assembly on the action of their governments in this respect'.

    The sixth point of the resolution is about the inadmissibility of
    armed conflict. It is common knowledge that Armenia is not interested
    in recommencing military actions. Meanwhile on Monday president Ilham
    Aliev again mentioned about the determination of Azeri authorities to
    regain controll over Karabakh by means of military actions.

    The eighth point mentions the importance of regional cooperation.
    This doesn't refer to Armenia since official Yerevan has always been
    ready for any contacts with neighbouring countries including
    Azerbaijan. It is Baku that rejects any cooperation with Armenia
    within the frames of regional programmes.

    The ninth point is not favorable for Armenia since it talks about the
    existence of two communities in Karabakh. It means that the legally
    elected president of NKR Arkadi Ghukasyan stands on the same level
    with some Nizami Bakhmanov who introduces himself as the `leader of
    Azerbaijan community of Nagorno Karabakh'. Nevertheless, in Baku they
    are also not very happy with the formulation of this point since
    according to the stated appeal, Ilham Aliev will have to enter into
    negotiations with Arkadi Ghukasyan. In this case he may not be called
    the president of NKR but the `political representative' of Armenian
    community of Nagorno Karabakh.

    Quite important is the accent of the tenth point where it is talked
    about the ethnic expulsions. Azerbaijan delegation didn't manage to
    achieve the mentioning of territories contolled by Karabakh forces.
    It means that PACE condemns both the creation of conditions for
    Azerbaijani to quit the security zones around NKR and the ethnic
    expulsions carried out by Azerbaijan authorities in Shahumyan and

    The eleventh point of the reolution condemns the propaganda of
    hatred. PACE calls on Armenia and Azerbaijan to `foster
    reconciliation, confidence-building and mutual understanding among
    their peoples through schools, universities and the media'.
    Meanwhile, it is widely known that it is Azerbaijan that hampers the
    contacts between social and professional structures of the two
    countries, their youth and journalists. Armenia anyway encourages any
    attempts to establish dialogue on a non-governmental level.

    Thus, it is absolutely obvious that together with all its
    shortcomings, the resolution cannot be considered an achievement of
    Azerbaijan diplomacy. The attempts of Baku parliamentarians to
    convince their compatriots that they have won a serious victory over
    Armenians is just a propaganda.

    Artem Yerkanyan