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Georgia: Leaders Noncommittal On Meskhetian Repatriation Issue

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  • Georgia: Leaders Noncommittal On Meskhetian Repatriation Issue

    Radio Free Europe, Czech republic
    Jan 27 2005

    Georgia: Leaders Remain Noncommittal On Meskhetian Repatriation Issue
    By Jean-Christophe Peuch

    Meskhetians in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

    The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe this week
    reiterated its concern about the fate of the former Soviet Union's
    Meskhetian community, and revived calls for Georgia to urgently
    organize their repatriation. Yet, Georgian authorities remain
    noncommittal on the issue and continue to argue that conditions are
    not yet appropriate for the return of this uprooted Turkic people.

    Prague, 27 January 2005 (RFE/RL) -- During a debate following his
    address to the Strasbourg-based Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
    of Europe (PACE) yesterday, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili
    remained as evasive as his predecessor on his plans to settle the
    Meskhetian issue.

    "I have great sympathy for the Meskhetians. I believe these people
    have gone through great suffering, and I believe Georgia will do
    everything so that this issue is settled," Saakashvili said.

    Russia's pro-government lawmaker Vera Oskina criticized Georgia for
    delaying the return of exiled Meskhetians. In response, Saakashvili
    blamed Moscow for keeping the ethnic group in administrative limbo.

    "In violation of all its international obligations, the Russian
    Federation has granted passports and citizenship in huge numbers to
    residents of [Georgia's separatist republics of] Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia. But it hasn't granted a single passport to any of those
    Meskhetians who live in Russia," Saakashvili said."If we see the end
    many years ahead of us, then we can accept and understand this. But
    what we cannot accept is that nothing is happening on this issue.
    There should be a legal framework. There should be a campaign
    [conducted among] the Georgian people so that they accept that [a
    solution to the Meskhetian] issue."

    Saakashvili was referring to those Meskhetians who have resettled in
    Russia's southern Krasnodar territory following the pogroms that took
    place in 1989 in the Uzbek part of the Ferghana Valley.

    Today's Meskhetians -- also known as Meskhis -- are the survivors or
    descendants of a rural Muslim population of southern Georgia that
    Soviet leader Josef Stalin in 1944 ordered deported to Central Asia
    along with many other ethnic groups of the Caucasus region. But of
    all these exiled peoples, the Meskhetians are the only ones who have
    been denied the right to return to their homeland.

    Estimates put the number of Meskhetians living in CIS countries at
    somewhere between 200,000 and 300,000.

    Following the 1989 Ferghana upheaval, tens of thousands of them were
    evacuated to other Soviet regions, mainly Azerbaijan and southern

    Although Meskhetians themselves disagree on whether they descend from
    ethnic Turks sent to colonize the South Caucasus, or Christian
    Georgians forcibly converted to Islam under Ottoman rule, they are
    generally described as "Turks" and perceived as such throughout most
    of the former Soviet Union.

    This has created particular problems for Russian-based Meskhetians
    confronted with the nationalist, pro-Orthodox policy of Krasnodar
    Governor Alexander Tkachev. Deprived of any civic rights and
    constantly harassed by regional authorities, most of Krasnodar's
    13,500 Meskhetians have decided to emigrate to the United States.

    When Georgia joined the Council of Europe in 1999, it pledged to
    start repatriating the Meskhetians within the next three years. But
    except for some minor paperwork, almost nothing has been done to
    facilitate the repatriation, and only a few individuals have been
    able to return to Georgia.

    Citing the Meskhetians' alleged Turkic ethnicity, Georgia's
    successive post-Soviet governments have argued that their wholesale
    repatriation could create tensions with the country's large ethnic
    Armenian community, which lives in the Meskhetians' former home

    Georgian officials also maintain that the separatist wars of the
    early 1990s have triggered a massive inflow of internally displaced
    persons (IDPs) from Abkhazia and South Ossetia. They say because of
    this, Georgia is financially and logistically unable to handle tens
    of thousands of immigrants.

    Lawmaker Elene Tevdoradze, who chairs the Georgian parliament's human
    rights committee, earlier this month said the repatriation of
    Meskhetians would not start until IDPs are allowed to return to
    Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

    She also indicated that the government, which is considering drafting
    some Meskhetian returnees into the army, is still unsure of their
    loyalty to the Georgian state.

    "We've been thinking about drafting into the army those [Meskhetians]
    who really consider themselves citizens of Georgia, Georgians. So far
    this is only an idea which, by the way, was first formulated by the
    president. But although this is only an idea, we need to adopt a very
    careful approach. We're talking about the army and we must be sure of
    those people we're drafting," Tevdoradze said.

    The Council of Europe this week gave a clear indication that its
    patience is beginning to run out.

    In a resolution adopted on 24 January after a debate on Georgia's
    progress in honoring its obligations and commitments as a
    member-state, the council's Parliamentary Assembly reiterated its
    demand that the Meskhetian issue be swiftly settled.

    Matyas Eorsi is PACE's co-rapporteur on Georgia and the co-author of
    the draft report that was debated on 24 January.

    In comments made to RFE/RL prior to the debate, the Hungarian
    lawmaker said he understood the difficulties posed by the
    repatriation of tens of thousands of immigrants. Yet, he said the
    Council of Europe would not tolerate any further delay by Georgia in
    addressing the Meskhetian issue.

    "If we see the end many years ahead of us, then we can accept and
    understand this. But what we cannot accept is that nothing is
    happening on this issue. There should be a legal framework. There
    should be a campaign [conducted among] the Georgian people so that
    they accept that [a solution to the Meskhetian] issue is also part of
    the justice they seek. If the Georgian people deserve justice -- and
    I'm sure they do -- they should also think about the Meskhetians
    because they, too, deserve justice," Eorsi said.

    During the debate, Turkish lawmaker Mevlut Cavusoglu also voiced his
    support for the Meskhetian cause.

    "We are fully aware of the difficulties Georgia has been facing [in
    recent years]. However, we do not believe that such difficulties
    constitute an argument for not fulfilling the obligation to
    repatriate [the Meskhetians]. Therefore, I think that appropriate
    legal, administrative, and political conditions should be created by
    the Georgian authorities, without any further delay, for the
    repatriation of the Meskhetian community," Cavusoglu said.

    Another Turkish parliamentarian, Murat Mercan, suggested the assembly
    set a firm timeframe for the resolution of the Meskhetian issue.

    His request was met. A final resolution voted at the end of the
    hearings gives Georgia until 2011 to complete the repatriation