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Unique Ed Partnership Between AGBU and Lawrence Tech University

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  • Unique Ed Partnership Between AGBU and Lawrence Tech University

    A.G.B.U. Alex & Marie Manoogian School
    Lawrence Technological University
    Contact: John Miskelly or Carolyn Assarian
    Phone: (313) 982-1400

    Unique Educational Partnership Begins Between A.G.B.U. Alex & Marie
    Manoogian School and Lawrence Technological University


    SOUTHFIELD, MI - At the A.G.B.U. Alex & Marie Manoogian School in
    Southfield, an exciting partnership was officially formed as
    administrators from the Manoogian School and Lawrence Technological
    University participated in a signing ceremony (photo 1 attached). Titled
    INSPIRE (Inspiring and Nurturing Students - A Partnership for Innovative
    and Rewarding Education), the new program outlined in the signed
    agreement offers Manoogian School seniors the opportunity to take
    courses at Lawrence Tech for college credit.

    In his remarks at the ceremony, Dr. Charles Chambers, president of
    Lawrence Technological University, recalled a previous discussion with
    Manoogian School founder Alex Manoogian. Dr. Chambers said, `(Manoogian)
    believed in educational opportunities for young people,' and he believes
    the INSPIRE program follows the same lines Manoogian had intended for
    the school. Dr. Chambers encouraged Manoogian students to apply for the
    program in the future.

    Dr. Nadya Sarafian, principal of Manoogian School, urged students to
    take advantage of the chance to take courses at such an esteemed

    The ceremony also included the introduction of Manoogian's three INSPIRE
    students, who have already begun classes at Lawrence Tech: Vatche
    Bassmagian, Avak Kahramanian and Mihai Untea. They were presented with
    certificates and Lawrence Tech sweatshirts by Dr. Chambers.

    In addition to Drs. Chambers and Sarafian, signing the agreement were
    Dr. Lewis Walker, executive vice-president and provost, Lawrence
    Technological University, Hosep Torossian, vice-principal, and Dr.
    Richard Marburger, chair of the board of education, Manoogian School.
    Also in attendance were several Lawrence Tech faculty members and staff;
    Manoogian School board members, PTO members, parents, friends, faculty
    and staff; and representatives from the Mayor of Southfield's office and
    Central Michigan University's Charter Schools Office.

    The Manoogian School is located in Southfield, Michigan. Established in
    1969, the school was chartered by Central Michigan University in 1995.
    Its curriculum follows the Michigan State Board of Education guidelines
    for all schools, in addition to emphasizing the study of the Armenian
    language, culture, history and arts.
    Lawrence Technological University, also located in Southfield, is a
    private university with a reputation for excellence. It boasts a
    well-respected faculty in the fields of engineering, architecture and
    design, arts and sciences, and management.

    (1) Signing Ceremony Photo: Administrators from Manoogian School and
    Lawrence Tech University sign the agreement outlining the new IGNITE
    partnership, which allows Manoogian students to take college courses at
    Lawrence Tech for college credit.

    (2) INSPIRE Students Photo: Pictured with Dr. Nadya Sarafian, principal
    of Manoogian School, and Dr. Charles Chambers, president of Lawrence
    Tech University, are the three Manoogian students taking part in the
    INSPIRE program: Vatche Bassmagian, Mihai Untea, and Avak Kahramanian.

    Contact: John Miskelly or Carolyn Assarian
    Phone: (313) 982-1400