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Azerbaijani soldier killed by Armenian forces

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  • Azerbaijani soldier killed by Armenian forces

    Azerbaijani soldier killed by Armenian forces

    Friday, January 28, 2005


    BAKU - The Associated Press

      An Azerbaijani soldier was killed on the cease-fire line separating
    government troops from ethnic Armenian forces controlling the Nagorno-Karabakh
    enclave and a swath of surrounding territory in the ex-Soviet republic, the Defense
    Ministry said on Thursday.

      The military chief in the disputed enclave, meanwhile, said strengthened
    defenses on the cease-fire line mean that any Azerbaijani attempt to take back
    the territory will be thwarted and could prompt "successful counterattacks."

      The latest death on the dividing line and the bellicose warning added to
    tension that persists more than a decade after a 1994 cease-fire ended a
    six-year war over Nagorno-Karabakh that killed 30,000 people and drove a million from
    their homes.

      Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry said ethnic Armenian forces opened fire near
    the village of Shurabad shortly before midnight Wednesday, killing an
    Azerbaijani soldier.

      Gunfire sporadically breaks out between the opposing forces, and the
    dispute has raised fears of renewed war. International efforts have failed to
    produce a settlement between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which supports
    Nagorno-Karabakh's internationally unrecognized government.

      Also Wednesday, Nagorno-Karabakh defense chief Seiran Oganian said that
    "large volume of construction work" done on the front line over the past year
    would enable ethnic Armenian forces to "freely conduct trench fighting in the
    case military action begins, turning aside all attempts by the enemy to move

      "We are prepared ... not just to defend ourselves but to conduct successful
    counterstrikes," Oganian said.

      Ethnic Armenian forces also control a large amount of adjacent territory,
    including land that links the enclave with Armenia. Disputes over the
    additional territory have been one of the factors preventing Armenia and Azerbaijan
    from settling the conflict.

      International monitors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation
    in Europe, which has been seeking to foster a settlement between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan for a decade, are due to tour the ethnic Armenian-held territory in
    the coming days.

      Oganian, who spoke at a news conference, said that Nagorno-Karabakh
    authorities "cannot prohibit our citizens to farm in these territories."

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