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Lennmarker: Golden opportunity for peaceful settlement of Karabakh

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  • Lennmarker: Golden opportunity for peaceful settlement of Karabakh

    Pan Armenian News


    05.07.2005 02:44

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Today there is a «golden opportunity» for peaceful
    settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh issue based on the win-win outcome, when
    Armenia and Azerbaijan will take least losses. The parties should intensify
    the talks over the issue. OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PA) special
    representative for the Nagorno Karabakh conflict Goran Lennmarker made a
    statement on this at the PA annual session held in Washington. As reported
    by OSCE PA press counsellor Jan Jooren, Lennmarker presented his report over
    the issue to the delegation heads. The document reflected the rapporteur's
    ideas over securing a peace resolution of the conflict under the aegis of
    the OSCE Minsk Group. In his speech Lennmarker underscored, «the Karabakh
    conflict is not frozen. Many people annually die at the contact line between
    the parties.» He also remarked, «there is virtually no alternative to the
    peaceful resolution. It is absolutely necessary to solve the conflict and
    put an end to the personal economic, social problems of both parties.» The
    Swedish MP proposed not to base on the respective European experience, when
    «democracy and integration form the foundation for securing final peace.»
    «Powerful European and international institutions are ready to assist
    Armenia and Azerbaijan at any moment. It is a generous offer and it should
    be useful,» he emphasized. Lennmarker also noted the activities of the
    Armenian and Azeri parliamentary delegations were very helpful. «Once a
    peace agreement has been finalized by the two Governments, the parliamentary
    dimension becomes invaluable in informing the public and in ensuring the
    implementation.» It should be noted that Goran Lennmarker was appointed to
    the office of the OSCE PA special representative for Nagorno Karabakh in
    June 2002 and has visited Armenia and Azerbaijan several times since then.
    He has also held meetings with representatives of various public sectors of
    the parties, including refugees, the Yerkir newspaper reported.