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Lennmarker compared Karabakh conflict with unhealthy tooth

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  • Lennmarker compared Karabakh conflict with unhealthy tooth

    Pan Armenian News


    05.07.2005 04:35

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ `The urge to put an end to the conflict is wide-spread
    among Armenians lately, as people realize it hampers development of the
    country,' said OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PA) rapporteur on Nagorno
    Karabakh Goran Lennmarker, reported AzerTAj. `All politics, all thoughts of
    the country are in a state of conflict. I will cite a simple example: if you
    have a sore tooth, you think only of it. Nothing else interests you. A
    country at a state of conflict does not think tomorrow, of the future
    well-being of the people. From this point of view it is very important to
    solve the Karabakh problem in the near future,' he noted. When answering the
    question what should Azerbaijan do to `understand' Armenia, Mr. Lennmarker
    said, `It is a very important question. I am glad you asked it. In my
    opinion, Azerbaijan has to convince Armenians that it is not posing threats
    to them. That after the conflict is settled it will not treat them as a
    loser enemy, will respect them as people. A large number of Armenians are
    spread worldwide. The population that remained in Armenia is small. Thus
    they have a perception they are weak in contrast to the strong external
    world. Azerbaijan has to convince Armenians it will not oppress them. Thus
    it is very important for politicians, Azeri MPs not to speak with hatred.
    Turn to the history: for long time Armenians and Azeris lived in peace.»