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Armenia Annual Apeal No. 05AA067 Programme Update No.1

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  • Armenia Annual Apeal No. 05AA067 Programme Update No.1

    International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies
    Date: 05 Jul 2005

    Armenia Annual Apeal No. 05AA067 Programme Update No.1

    The International Federation's mission is to improve the lives of
    vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. The Federation
    is the world's largest humanitarian organization, and its millions of
    volunteers are active in over 181 countries.

    In Brief

    Appeal No. 05AA067; Programme Update no. 1.; Period covered: 1
    January to 31 May, 2005; Appeal target: CHF 986,011 (USD 791,532 or
    EUR 638,608)

    Operational developments

    Supported by its partners, the Armenian Red Cross has continued
    addressing a part of the humanitarian challenges that today faces
    tens of thousands of people in Armenia. The focus is on meeting
    pressing community needs and developing the national society capacity
    in the areas where the organisation can make a difference, namely:

    improving health and social conditions of vulnerable people (health
    and care programme)
    decreasing vulnerability of the population to natural and man-made
    disasters (disaster management), and
    strengthening the organisation to deliver better services aimed at
    preventing and alleviating suffering (organisational development).

    Since January 2005, the Armenian Red Cross has helped some 75,868
    people: 9,827 people were reached with the messages on HIV/AID and
    tuberculosis; 37,531 children and 3,387 teachers were educated on
    disaster preparedness. Another 5,400 schoolchildren attended the Red
    Cross-organised sessions on communicable diseases, safe behaviour and
    social skills. 3,120 young people were trained in First Aid, while
    other 751 received computer and language lessons. 2,800
    schoolchildren participated in various sport competitions and other
    social events organised by Red Crescent volunteers. More than 12,562
    lone pensioners and other marginalised groups, including 490 refugees
    , were provided with basic social and health care.
    For further information specifically related to this operation please

    Armenian Red Cross Society: Ms. Anna Yeghiazaryan (Acting Secretary
    General); Phone: 374 1 538367; Fax: 374 1 583630; e-mail:
    [email protected]

    Federation Delegation in Armenia: Ms. Gun Raikkonen (Federation
    representative); Phone: 374 1 341708; 374 1 342740; Fax: 374 1
    395731; e-mail: [email protected]

    Federation secretariat in Geneva: Ms. Sylvie Chevalley (Regional
    officer); Phone: 41 22 730 4276; Fax: 41 22 733 03 95; e-mail:
    [email protected]

    All international assistance to support vulnerable communities seeks
    to adhere to the Code of Conduct and the Humanitarian Charter and
    Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, according to the SPHERE
    Project. Please access the Federation's website at

    full report:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress