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Newsletter from, date: 29-Jun-2005 to 05-Jul-2005

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  • Newsletter from, date: 29-Jun-2005 to 05-Jul-2005

    Yerevan Press Club of Armenia presents `MediaDialogue" Web Site as a
    Regional Information Hub project.

    As a part of the project web site is maintained,
    featuring the most interesting publications from the press of Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey on issues of mutual concern. The latest
    updates on the site are weekly delivered to the subscribers.
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    Source: `Resonansi' newspaper (Georgia) [July 02, 2005]
    Author: Manana Mchedlishvili

    Azerbaijani residents of Sadakhlo village, located at
    Georgian-Armenian border, have suspicions their co-villager Sadradin
    Palangov, missing for a few days, fell victim to Armenians, who have
    kidnapped and killed him. They demand to start criminal proceedings
    and threaten to take countermeasures. It should be emphasized that
    several days before Palangov's disappearance, Armenian frontier guards
    arrested four Sadakhlo Azerbaijanis, cutting wood in the border forest
    of Armenia. According to some data, Minister of Interior, Vano
    Merabishvili intended to ease tension in Sadakhlo, however the
    notorious `wrestlers' rebellion' in Tbilisi forced the Minister to
    change his plans.

    Sadradin Palangov is a reputable person in Sadakhlo. According to some
    data, he is the mullah of the village, according to other -`Mullah
    Gara'- the nickname he got during hadj to the sacred city of the
    Muslims, Mecca. During the search for Palangov, the law and order
    bodies got only his hat and seven bullet cases from `Makarov' gun,
    which tuned the suspicions of the villages to the `Armenian
    track'. However, the Armenian side categorically refutes any
    information about Palangov. At the same time, it is a fact that he
    disappeared near a watercourse in close proximity to the Armenian
    border. Based on the evidence of the villagers, that evening they
    heard shots from the Armenian side. In a while, several residents of
    Sadakhlo headed for that direction to find out the details. Close to
    the watercourse, they saw traces of blood. It was then that they found
    the hat and the bullet cases.

    The indignant residents of Sadakhlo organized a protest action and
    blocked the Georgian-Armenian highway. Amiran Shubitidze, head of
    Marneuli regional administration, which includes Sadakhlo village, was
    to visit the site. During the meeting with him, protest participants
    demanded that leading specialists of the Ministry of Interior, General
    Prosecutor's Office and heads of Kwemo Kartly regional administration
    take up the case.

    The search for Palangov is still underway. The Azerbaijani deputies of
    Georgian Parliament strangely showed no interest in the accident. None
    of them visited Sadakhlo, while the staff of Azerbaijani Embassy in
    Georgia arrived at the site.

    As for the four arrested Azerbaijanis, they returned home. According
    to Amiran Shubidze, he held negotiations with the Armenian side
    concerning their release. `Armenian frontier guards arrested them when
    they chopped wood in the forest on Armenian territory. Our citizens
    trespassed the border by accident. The Armenians understood it and
    released the detained. However, we did not manage to find out anything
    about the missing Palangov from them', Shubitidze stated.

    The investigation on Palangov case includes central investigation
    bodies. The President's representative in Kwemo Kartli region, Zurab
    Melikishvili stated to `Resonances', `The investigation is conducted
    quite intensively. It includes specialists from the Ministry of
    Interior. Several versions of the accident are worked out. However, it
    is still too early to make any conclusions, since no new details are
    revealed yet. The current situation in Sadakhlo and the border regions
    is quite calm, the interstate route is opened'. }

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    Source: "Milliyet" newspaper (Turkey) [June 30, 2005]

    President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliev stated that Azerbaijan plans to
    launch an air flight to Northern Cyprus that will soon be visited by a
    delegation of Azerbaijani businessmen. `We just cannot tolerate
    further isolation of our Turkish brothers in Northern Cyprus'.

    After the meeting of President Aliev with Prime Minister Erdogan, on
    official visit to Baku, a press conference was held. Aliev stated that
    during the meeting the issue of Cyprus was considered thoroughly, `On
    behalf of Azerbaijan, we will do our best to stop the isolation of
    Northern Cyprus. Various companies, travel agencies of Azerbaijan will
    soon start air flights to Northern Cyprus. Soon, the delegation of
    Azerbaijani businessmen will go there too. `We cannot tolerate our
    Turkish brothers in Northern Cyprus to go on living like
    this. Isolation should be stopped. Azerbaijan will do its utmost for

    On his behalf, Prime Minister Erdogan stated that he welcomes the
    unanimity of Azerbaijan and Turkey in their stance on Cyprus issue,
    thus confirming Aliev's intention to launch air flights for ceasing

    The Border With Armenia Is Not A EU Requirement

    Prime Minister Erdogan stated that Turkey intends to support
    Azerbaijan in Armenian issue. In his opinion, Council of Europe
    resolution, qualifying Armenia as `occupier' of Mountainous Karabagh,
    was adopted through the efforts of Turkey.

    Erdogan stated that opening the border with Armenia is not ratified in
    the Copenhagen resolutions Turkey is to comply with for full
    membership in EU, `Turkey cannot be imposed such measures, we do not
    accept them. This is Turkey's decision. Besides, the frame document,
    referred to yesterday, states all the conditions of EU. On this basis,
    EU negotiations will start October 3'.

    President Aliev, answering the question about elections in Iran,
    stated that Azerbaijan has good relations with Iran and will try to
    keep this level of relations in the period of Ahmedinecad presidency.

    Aliev also emphasized the necessity for activating trade relations
    between Turkey and Azerbaijan, and pointed to the significance of
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline for both countries and the world

    According to Prime-Minister Erdogan, the turnover between the two
    countries will increase up to1 milliard dollars. Erdogan emphasized
    that due to the pipeline both countries became an energy corridor
    joining the group of three on a par with Georgia. He stated that
    President Aliev, by his request, will take part in the ceremony of oil
    shipment on a tanker in the port of Ceyhan, October 27.

    Source: "Zerkalo" newspaper (Azerbaijan) [June 30, 2005]
    Author: K. Guluzadeh

    Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan Arrived in Baku

    On June 29, evening, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    arrived in Baku on a two-day visit. Today, he will have meetings with
    President Ilham Aliev, Speaker of Mili Mejlis Murtuz Aleskerov and
    Prime Minister Arthur Rasizade.

    Besides, Erdogan will make a speech for the Parliament deputies and
    have meetings with the Turkish businessmen, working in Azerbaijan.

    The ceremony of laying the foundation for the new building of the
    Turkish embassy is fixed for the evening.

    By the official schedule, Turkish Prime Minister does not plan to meet
    the representatives of the opposition and public in Azerbaijan.

    In the past two decades, the role of Turkey in the domestic and
    foreign policy of Azerbaijan has undergone repeated changes and
    transformations. If previously Ankara was a foreign strategic partner
    of Baku and Turkey was capable of initiating a power change in
    Azerbaijan, now the situation is quite different.

    With Erdogan coming to power, Turkey took the course of EU accession.
    On this strenuous path, Ankara started to reduce the levers of
    pressure in the region of Central Asia, South Caucasus and Middle
    East. Cyprus almost abandoned, Iraq headed by a Kurd, withdrawal from
    both coasts of the Caspian form an incomplete list of the foreign
    policy concessions by Turkey in the race for the much-desired EU
    membership. In the context of a truly pragmatic saying about a bird in
    the hand being worth two in the bush, Ankara has not moved a single
    step on the way to EU, having lost all the previous achievements. No
    one has given Turkey any guarantees for accession to the `closed
    Christian club' in the tactical perspective.

    It was during Suleyman Demirel's rule that the omissions started, when
    the state interests of Turkey were sacrificed for the economic
    interests of the entourage of Turkish Prime Minister. In particular,
    it is no secret in Azerbaijan that certain contracts and licenses were
    received by the Turkish businessmen through active lobbying of their
    interests by S. Demirel.

    Further on, Erdogan simply `gave a final strike' to Turkey's
    withdrawal from Azerbaijan's domestic policy. His statements
    concerning Kurdish protégés within Azerbaijani authorities could
    hardly improve bilateral relations. Up to now, the general public is
    uncertain about the reasons for the notorious statement of Erdogan and
    his refusal to hold further discussions of this issue after such
    high-flown accusations.

    For the current stage, the relations between the countries are based
    on Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline and a common `headache' in the shape
    of Armenia. At the same time, Turkey becomes still more active in
    voicing the calls for ignoring the Karabagh issue and opening of
    communications with Armenia, as implied by EU. However, the Karabagh
    issue is almost the only trump to be used by Turkey, constantly
    pressured by the events of 1915 that are qualified by some members of
    EU as `Armenian Genocide'. The Turkish representatives, demanding
    opening of communications, are allegedly unaware that the main problem
    between Ankara and Yerevan is not Karabagh as such, but Armenia's
    territorial claims to Turkey. Opening of communications with Armenia
    is a start of implementing the Armenian plan on `getting Western
    Armenia back'.

    True, on the level of various international organizations Azerbaijani
    and Turkish delegates have a common stance and show mutual
    support. However, it is just a minor detail inherited from the
    previous relations of the two states.

    Anyway, the previous proximity was more of advantage to Turkey
    -pro-Western at the time - than to Azerbaijan, left with the
    alternative of an extra regional payer. The brotherhood was unequal
    since Ankara could impact all the processes in Baku with no other
    opportunity left for Azerbaijan.

    At present, Turkey still remains a state closely supporting
    Azerbaijan. However, it is not the support it used to be several years
    back. In the relations between the two countries, emotions prevail
    over pragmatism.

    It is possible that the current visit of Erdogan will show Azerbaijani
    authorities that Turkey has interest in the internal political
    processes of Azerbaijan. The `velvet' analysts do not exclude the fact
    that USA assigned a certain role to Turkey in November elections,
    similarly to Poland and Latvia in the Ukrainian `revolution'. Still,
    these are just guesses and suppositions, since Turkey is currently not
    a decisive player in the domestic policy of Azerbaijan. For the time
    being, it still has a positive role in foreign policy, whereas the
    domestic policy of Azerbaijan is now in the hands of other players. }

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    Source: "Azg" newspaper (Armenia) [July 02, 2005]
    Author: Hakob Chakrian

    On June 29, the European Commission ratified the decision `on starting
    negotiations with Turkey, October 3', adopted at EU summit on December
    17, 2004. At the same time, the idea of enlarging Europe did not raise
    special enthusiasm, whereas Turkey's membership in EU provoked serious

    The protests are obvious after the unfavorable political events
    allowing the leading media of the world to declare that EU
    disintegration is close. It is primarily American and British media
    that are concerned.

    As for the recent events, they led EU to political and economic
    crisis. The political crisis is conditioned by the rejection of a
    common European Constitution by France and the Netherlands. The
    economic decline is caused by June 16-17 EU summit in Brussels where
    the heads of EU member states failed to agree on the common budget. In
    the issue of June 22, `Azg' turned to political and economic crisis in
    EU, thinking regress of Union enlargement to the background as natural
    under the conditions. `If enlargement is not accompanied by expanding
    areas of influence, EU members view as priorities their own national
    interests, which leads to internal contradictions'.

    It was not an accident. We thus emphasized that the regress of EU
    enlargement prospects to the background is not related to the
    negotiations for Turkey's accession but to the crisis that will
    inevitably impact the negotiations. In other words, the EU problem is
    not so much Turkey's membership as disproportion of territorial
    expansion and areas of influence.

    This disproportion is caused by a number of factors, among which the
    difference between levels of economic development, pro-American
    orientation of new members and candidates for EU membership,
    disagreement among England, France and Germany and their competition
    for leadership, involvement of other countries in this competition,
    constant rivalry of EU and USA, the intention of the latter to impede
    the process of transforming EU into an independent pole.

    The attempts of EU for rapprochement with Turkey to balance US
    influence assign special importance to this state. Its attempts to
    improve relations with neighboring Iran and Syria with the prospect
    for penetrating the region attract leading European powers.

    Therefore despite these protests, EU cannot give up negotiations with
    Turkey; otherwise the European Commission would have postponed the
    ratification of the decision `on the start of negotiations with
    Turkey, October 3'.

    Thus, USA also protests against Turkey's rapprochement with EU. Then,
    how can we explain the numerous statements about US support of
    Turkey's EU membership? Apparently, there is an intention of having
    one more plenipotentiary within EU alongside England. In this case
    Turkey will get into the ranks of the countries taking pro-American
    positions. It will lead to the failure of all EU aspirations to get to
    Middle East via Turkey and to establish control over the Transcaucasus
    and other countries of the region.

    This allows assuming that it is not Turkey but its status of US
    plenipotentiary that is unacceptable for EU. Apparently, the
    government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not accept this option, since
    at the current stage they have unresolved contradictions with US on
    the one hand and no guarantees for Turkey's EU membership on the
    other. }

    For comments or questions please contact the Editor: [email protected].