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NKR: Defence Minister's Comment

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  • NKR: Defence Minister's Comment


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    05 July 05

    AA: `Mr. Minister, recently the mass media have added various, often
    controversial suppositions to the numerous comments and rumours on the
    June21 incident and its causes. Certain publications attempt to
    politicize the incident and relate it to the parliamentary election.
    What is your opinion?' NKR Minister of Defence Seyran Ohanian: `You
    are right. The comments int he massmedia on the June 21 incident
    ascribe an emphasized political context to it, invent certain
    statements uttered by me, etc., whereas the reality is different. As
    an officer and citizen I should inform our society that the cause of
    the incident was the abusive words of our former soldier Pavel
    Manoukian addressed to the Defence Army, my friends in arms and me
    personally, which naturally cannot be cited here. What is more,
    personal insult does not matter as much as the abusive words addressed
    to the Defence Army and my friends of arms. There are values which
    cannot be profaned. No one has the right, especially the one who is
    well-aware of the way our friends passed. As an Armenian man, Armenian
    soldier, as a person who felt how high the price for victory was I
    could not remain calm when our army and the command were vilified. I
    think it is clear to everybody that that no political context can be
    found here, especially against a political party which has worked for
    the nation for so many years -the Armenian Revolutionary Federation.
    Like us the soldiers the Federation has always upheld the honour of
    the Armenian officers and the army. I could not, therefore, tolerate
    such behaviour of a former officer in personal relationships. I donot
    think that the insult to the Defence Army, my friends and personally
    me can have any relation, even the vaguest one, to any political force
    operating in the Armenian reality, since my friends in arms and me are
    able to appreciate the political values of our country. It is also
    apparent that ascribing anti-ARF moods to us and relating the incident
    with the election are groundless. A simple truth can be deduced: there
    is no need to politicize what should not be politicized. I assure that
    the incident was a matter of honour, since for an officer honour and
    fatherland are of the same importance.'
