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FM Meets w/Lebanese President and Chairman of Parliament in Beirut

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  • FM Meets w/Lebanese President and Chairman of Parliament in Beirut


    BEIRUT, JULY 4, NOYAN TAPAN - ARMENIANS TODAY. Vartan Oskanian who is
    on a three-day visit in Beirut, met with Emil Lahud, the President of
    the Republic of Lebanon on July 1. Passing RA President Robert
    Kocharian's greetings, Vartan Oskanian mentioned that Armenia followed
    the last months developments in friendly Lebanon with concern, and is
    happy that stability is re-established in the country in what
    President Emil Lahud's personal efforts were also decisive. As for the
    Armenia-Lebanon interstate relations, the Minister mentioned that
    during the last years, the existing political cooperation of a high
    level is summed up by the mutual interest of business circles as well,
    owing to what Lebanese investments in Armenia are significantly
    increased in separate spheres, particularly in small and middle
    business. Then the parties exchange opinions around a number of
    international and regional issues of mutual interest. Minister
    Oskanian briefly presented the present negotiation process,
    developments and prospects of the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict as well as the state of the Armenian-Turkish relations and
    approaches of Armenia in the sense of their settlement. Visiting the
    Parliament of lebanon, V.Oskanian congratulated Nabih Berri, on the
    occasion of having been re-elected for the honorary post of the
    Chairman of the Parliament. Mutual satisfaction was expressed with the
    process of the Armenian-Lebanese interparliamentary cooperation
    founded in 1993, which has been of continuable character: mutual
    visits of the Chairmen of the Parliaments took place, Deputy Groups
    for Interparliamentary Friendship were created. Issues connected with
    strengthening of practical ties between the Parliaments, activization
    of mutual visits in future were discussed. In that sense, Nabih Berri
    attached importance to the role of the Lebanese Parliament MPs of the
    Armenian origin, mentioning that, in general, the influnceable
    Armenian community of Lebanon is a tying bridge between the two
    countries. At the 2005 last p! arliamentary elections, 6 delegates of
    the Armenian community, who represent the ARF (2 mandates), Liberal
    Democratic Party and Social-Democratic "Hunchak" Party as well as AGBU
    and the Catholic community, received deputy mandates. As Noyan Tapan
    was informed by the RA Foreign Ministry's Press and Information
    Department, on the same day, V.Oskanian visited Aram I, Catholicos of
    the Great House of Cilicia. Opinions were exchanged around issues
    concerning the Armenians in the present world, around the Armenia-
    Diaspora relations and prospects of the development of Armenia. His
    Holiness presented his viewpoints and interpretations about the
    developments of Lebanon. V.Oskanian informed Aram I about the present
    social-economic state of Armenia, main directions of the foreign
    policy of Armenia as well as the process of the settlement of the
    Nagorno Karabakh conflict. In the evening, a solemn ceremony dedicated
    to the 50th anniversary of the Haykazian University was envisaged at
    the BIEL Center of Beirut. The Haykazian educational institution was
    founded in 1955, it acted as a college up to 1991. In 1992 the
    institution was named Haykazian College University. In 1996, by a
    decision of the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education of Lebanon it
    was renamed Haykazian University. That is the only higher education
    institution in the reality of the Diaspora. At present, the four
    faculties of the University annually give 650 graduates with about 40
    specializations. Meetings with of the Lebanese Armenian party and
    union heads and a visit to Armenian-populated district of Aynchar were
    envisaged for the next day. V.Oskanian's visit is widely covered by
    the Lebanese press.