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NKR: Word Of Greeting Of NKR President

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  • NKR: Word Of Greeting Of NKR President


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    05 July 05

    Most Reverend Father, dear members of parliament, dear guests, I want to
    congratulate the newly-elected members of the NKR National Assembly on
    getting the confidence of the voters and wish them success in their
    responsible mission. The June 19 election imparted the public and
    political life of the country with new quality and meaning. For the
    first time our citizens were given a chance to vote both for candidates
    and political parties, which shifts the political relationships to a new
    level in our country. The authorities of the country did their best to
    hold a free, fair and transparent election, which was affirmed by the
    international, Armenian and local observers. I consider any attempt to
    vilify the election as groundless and impertinent. It is impossible to
    overlook what is conspicuous. A truly free, fair and transparent
    election was held in our country. I am grateful to our people for their
    participation in the election. Such a turnout is a vote of confidence to
    democratic reforms, asserting that every citizen can have a direct
    participation in the formation of the authorities of the country. People
    have made their choice and are now expecting for their hopes to fulfill.
    The expectations of the other branches of power are also great; the
    country needs a clear organization of the activities of all the branches
    of power, political forces and the public potential, and only together
    can we solve the problems of our people. The active standpoint of the
    parliament on all the spheres of life in the country will spur the
    activity of the government as well. We still have much to do; we have to
    carry on with state building, social and economic development, improve
    defence, sustain the achievements in creating a civil society, as well
    as to focus on the preservation of spiritual and cultural values and to
    establish new parliamentary relations. I believe that the new parliament
    can be consistent in the solution of this and other issues. A week ago
    you were rivals and opponents in the election campaign. Now you are
    colleagues. The activity of the National Assembly supposes active
    discussions and heated disputes. Nevertheless, in the political
    traditions of mutual respect, ability to listen to and accept others'
    opinions should be dominant in the parliament. The members of parliament
    may have diverse political standpoints and viewpoints but they should be
    united by the responsibility for the people and the country. As the
    president of the country I am willing to cooperate with the political
    forces represented in the parliament and anticipate the same on your
    behalf. Good luck in your activities for the sake of our independent
    statehood. Thank you.
