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NKR: First Meeting Of Nkr National Assembly Of 4th Convocation

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  • NKR: First Meeting Of Nkr National Assembly Of 4th Convocation


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    05 July 05

    On June 30 the first meeting of the NKR National Assembly of 4th
    convocation took place, chaired by the eldest member of parliament Arpat
    Avanessian. At the meeting NKR President Arkady Ghukassian, Prime
    Minister Aoushavan Danielian, the head of the Artsakh Diocese of the
    Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop Parghev Martirossian, member of
    government, invited public officials, journalists were present too. The
    meeting began with the national anthem. Arkady Ghukassian congratulated
    the newly-elected parliament. Characterizing the June 19 parliamentary
    election as free, fair and transparent, he stressed that this level was
    first of all the result of the high civic consciousness of the voters.
    Believing that the members of parliament may have diverse political
    standpoints and viewpoints but they should be united by the
    responsibility for the people and the country, the president is
    committed to cooperating with the political forces represented in the
    parliament, expecting the same on their behalf. Then Archbishop Parghev
    Martirossian delivered his word of blessing. In accordance with the NA
    Bylaw, the ceremony of oath taking followed, after which the chairman of
    the meeting announced the names of the members of parliament elected
    under the majority and proportional representation systems. Introducing
    the agenda of the first meeting of the National Assembly, the chairman
    of the meeting stated that the items of the agenda are administered by
    law and therefore are not subject to voting. The first point on the
    agenda was election of the counting committee. Members of parliament
    Garik Grigorian (Chairman), Ararat Danielian and Romela Dadayan were
    elected to the counting committee. Then the election of speaker of the
    National Assembly was conducted by secret ballot. The leader of the
    Democratic Party of Artsakh, Member of Parliament Ashot Ghulian was
    elected Speaker of the National Assembly, receiving the majority of
    votes (30 votes, 3 ballots were invalid). The Speaker of the National
    Assembly nominated the co-chairman of the political party Azat Hayrenik,
    Member of Parliament Rudik Hyusnunts for the post of deputy speaker.
    With 29 votes for and 1 vote against (3 ballots were invalid) Rudik
    Hyusnunts was elected deputy speaker of the National Assembly. The next
    point on the agenda was the election of the chairmen of the standing
    committees. The members of parliament nominated and elected members of
    parliament Vahram Atanessian (Committee on Foreign Relations), Benik
    Bakhshian (Committee on Production and Industrial Infrastructure),
    Arayik Harutyunian (Committee on Finance, Budget and Economic
    Management), Youri Hayrapetian (State and Legal Committee), Arpat
    Avanessian (Social Committee) and Rudik Martirossian (Committee on
    Defence, Security and Home Affairs). Then the members of the standing
    committees were named. After the plenary meeting the first meetings of
    the standing committees took place. Except for the social committee, the
    deputy chairmen of the committees were elected as well: Gagik Petrossian
    (Foreign Relations), Valery Harutyunian (Production and Industrial
    Infrastructure), Ararat Danielian (Finance, Budget and Economic
    Management), Hovik Jivanian (State and Legal Committee) and Andranik
    Sarghissian (Defence, Security and Home Affairs). In accordance with the
    NA Bylaw, the speaker of the parliament announced 6 weeks adjournment.
    The last point on the agenda ` the programme of activities of the NKR
    government and the confidence vote will be considered after the
    corresponding preparations.
