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ANKARA: Decision on 'Encyclopedic Denial' Due Today in Paris

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  • ANKARA: Decision on 'Encyclopedic Denial' Due Today in Paris

    Zaman Online, Turkey
    July 6 2005

    Decision on 'Encyclopedic Denial' Due Today in Paris
    By Ali Ihsan Aydin
    Published: Wednesday July 06, 2005

    The lawsuit filed by the Armenian organizations against the famous
    French encyclopedia, The Quid will be concluded today. Armenian
    organizations filed the lawsuit on the ground that The Quid mentioned
    the opinions of Turkey concerning the so-called Armenian genocide.

    Resorting to the Paris Court in 2003, the French Armenian Case
    Defense Committee (CDCA) had accused The Quid encyclopedias and
    Robert Laffront Publishing of "spreading denial propaganda". The
    Paris court heard the case on 25 May 2005. The Armenian organization
    claimed that the encyclopedia mentioned the "Turks position"
    regarding the issue aiming to question the telling of the incidents
    of the 1915 "Armenian genocide" in its 2003 edition, which is renewed
    annually. CDCA lawyers asked for penalties for The Quid's editors and
    demanded that Turkey's opinions be removed from the encyclopedia. The
    Paris Court had overruled the CDCA case last year against Turkey's
    Consulate General in Paris showing "the diplomatic immunity" of the
    consul general as grounds. The lawsuit was filed after the Consulate
    General rejected the "Armenian genocide" allegations on its website.
    Formerly, the court had convicted famous historian Bernard Lewis to a
    symbolic pay indemnity of one euro in 1995 after he spoke to French
    newspaper Le Monde against the so-called Armenian genocide.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress