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ASBAREZ Online [07-05-2005]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [07-05-2005]


    1) Lennmarker Speaks of 'Golden Opportunity' in Settling Karabagh conflict
    2) OSCE Parliamentarians from 55-Member States Defeat Azeri Effort
    3) Homenetmen's 30th Navasartian Closing Ceremonies End on High Note

    1) Lennmarker Speaks of 'Golden Opportunity' in Settling Karabagh conflict

    YEREVAN (Combined Sources)--Speaking at an Organization for Security and
    Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) session in Washington, DC, Swedish member of
    parliament and OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Rapporteur on the Karabagh conflict
    Goran Lennmarker said, "There is now a golden opportunity for a peaceful
    solution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict based on a win-win concept where
    Armenia and Azerbaijan come out better."
    Presenting his report to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Heads of
    Lennmarker spoke of peaceful solutions to the Karabagh conflict within the
    Minsk Group--co-chaired by France, Russia, and the United States.
    Lennmarker stressed that though "the conflict is not frozen," Armenia and
    Azerbaijan must intensify the negotiations. "There is no alternative to a
    peaceful solution; in fact, there is an urgent need to solve the conflict in
    order to end the personal, economic, and social suffering on both sides of
    The OSCE rapporteur suggested basing a solution on experiences from Europe,
    where democracy and integration are fundamental components in securing lasting
    peace. Strong European and international institutions stand ready to support
    Armenia and Azerbaijan, Lennmarker stressed.
    Commenting on the effectiveness of the work done by the Parliamentary
    Delegations of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Lennmarker said, "Once a peace
    has been finalized by the two Governments, the parliamentary dimension becomes
    invaluable in informing the public and in ensuring the implementation. It is
    of utmost importance that networks of Members of Parliaments already exist and
    stand ready to take on these tasks."
    Lennmarker was appointed in June 2002 and has since then visited Armenia and
    Azerbaijan on numerous occasions.

    2) OSCE Parliamentarians from 55-Member States Defeat Azeri Effort

    ANCA Welcomes Parliamentary Assembly's rejection of divisive Mountainous
    Karabagh resolution

    WASHINGTON, DC--The Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security
    and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE PA) meeting last night in Washington, DC,
    overwhelmingly to defeat a controversial measure on Nagorno Karabagh authored
    by Azerbaijani Parliamentarian Sattar Safarov, reported the Armenian National
    Committee of America (ANCA).
    The vote took place during a meeting of the OSCE PA's Heads of Delegation, as
    part of the opening session of the four-day meeting for members of Parliament
    from the 55 member states of the OSCE. The Safarov resolution, which was
    viewed as a biased and divisive measure, received only token support, with
    nearly all the Heads of Delegation voting to keep the measure off of the OSCE
    PA agenda.
    The OSCE PA proceedings are being presided over by Congressman Alcee Hastings
    (D-FL), the first US legislator to ever serve in this capacity. Other members
    of Congress participating in the Assembly include: Senator Sam Brownback
    (R-KS), who is heading the US delegation, Senator George Voinovich (R-OH), and
    Representatives Christopher H. Smith (R-NJ), Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD),
    Benjamin L.
    Cardin (D-MD), Louise McIntosh Slaughter (D-NY), Robert B. Aderholt (R-AL),
    Mike McIntyre (D-NC), Joseph R. Pitts (R-PA), Mike Pence (R-IN), and Delegate
    Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC).
    The Armenian delegation is being headed by Vahan Hovhannisian, the Deputy
    Speaker of Armenia's Parliament. Other members of the delegation are Artashes
    Geghamyan, MP and Samvel Nikoyan, MP. The ANCA worked closely with the
    delegation and the Armenian Embassy in Washington, DC, as well as with
    National Committee affiliates in Canada and throughout Europe, in sharing with
    OSCE PA members the dangers of the Safarov resolution.
    "We would like to thank Congressman Hastings for his leadership in the
    Assembly's proceedings, and to express our appreciation to all those who voted
    against the Safarov resolution for their responsible stewardship of the OSCE's
    efforts to facilitate a negotiated settlement to the Nagorno Karabagh
    conflict," said Aram Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA.
    The defeat of the Safarov resolution set the stage for the standard
    consideration by the Assembly of the Mountainous Karabagh conflict. This
    discussion is being led by Swedish Member of Parliament Goran Lennmarker, who
    has served since June of 2002 as the OSCE PA special representative on this
    issue. In preparation for the OSCE PA meeting, Lennmarker presented a report,
    titled "A Golden Opportunity: Some Ideas on Nagorno Karabagh Conflict," to the
    Heads of Delegations to the OSCE PA.
    In this report, Lennmarker stressed that there is now a golden opportunity,
    through the OSCE Minsk Peace-process, for a peaceful solution of the
    Mountainous Karabagh conflict, based on concept where both Armenia and
    Azerbaijan come out better. In his remarks, Lennmarker noted that "the
    is not frozen," adding that "there is no alternative to a peaceful
    fact there is an urgent need to solve the conflict in order to end the
    personal, economic, and social suffering on both sides of this conflict." He
    proposed basing a solution on experiences from Europe, where democracy and
    integration are fundamental components in securing a lasting peace, and added
    that strong European and international institutions stand ready to support
    Armenia and Azerbaijan.
    In the weeks leading up to the convening of this meeting, the ANCA--through
    grassroots outreach--stressed to the US members of Congress--serving in the
    OSCE PA--that Armenian Americans attach tremendous importance to Mountainous
    Karabagh's rights to freedom, democracy and, self-determination. The Armenian
    American community, the ANCA stressed, has invested considerable hope in the
    OSCE Minsk Group process and is strongly against any efforts to derail this
    In a June 24th letter sent to Congressman Hastings and to others in the US
    delegation, ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian warned of the dangers presented by the
    Safarov resolution. He described it as a "one-sided approach to a complex
    issue," that "neither fairly characterizes the conflict nor presents any
    practical steps toward its resolution. In sum, it is a destructive measure
    will, if adopted, ultimately threaten the progress of the OSCE Minsk Group
    peace talks." Hachikian specifically called on the US members of the Assembly
    to vote against the Safarov resolution and "to strongly oppose any and all
    efforts to use the Assembly's meeting as a forum for one-sided efforts to
    derail progress toward peace in Nagorno Karabagh."
    The OSCE PA is the parliamentary dimension of the Organization for Security
    and Co-operation in Europe, whose 55 participating States span the
    area from Vancouver to Vladivostok. The primary task of the 317-member
    is to facilitate inter-parliamentary dialogue, an important aspect of the
    overall effort to meet the challenges of democracy throughout the OSCE area.
    Recognized as a regional arrangement under Chapter VIII of the United Nations
    Charter, the OSCE is a primary instrument for early warning, conflict
    prevention, crisis management and post-conflict rehabilitation in its area.
    Parliamentary Assembly, originally established by the 1990 Paris Summit to
    promote greater involvement in the OSCE by national parliaments, has grown
    a very active and esteemed member of the OSCE family.
    To learn more about the OSCE PA, visit:

    3) Homenetmen's 30th Navasartian Closing Ceremonies End on High Note

    VAN NUYS--More than 20,000 people flocked to Birmingham High School's athletic
    field on Monday, July 4, to celebrate Homenetmen's 30th Navasartian Games
    closing ceremonies, officially marking the end of the athletic competitions.
    With colorful flags depicting the region's 18 Homenetmen chapters and the
    Navasartian torch burning at the center of the field, the Homenetmen Regional
    Scouting Council members, accompanied by Regional Executive chairman Raffy
    Ispendjian, led the procession of guests to the field, including Navsartian
    Honorary presidents Mr. & Mrs. Shant & Vergine Haytayan and Western Prelate
    Bishop Moushegh Mardirossian, along with the 2005 Homenetmen Exemplary member
    Lilit Baghdasarians and her husband. Following the ceremonial permission by
    Honorary President, the Homenetmen regional scout council members and chapter
    scoutmasters proceeded to the field.
    With Regional scoutmaster Hrayr Boyajian's cue, the closing ceremonies
    commenced with the Homenetmen color-guard bearing the flags of the US,
    Mountainous Karabagh Republic, Homenetmen, and three state flags. A second
    color guard--bearing the flags of the US and Armenia symbolizing the 30th
    Navasartian Games--made their ceremonial entrance onto the field. The US and
    Armenian national anthems were performed by the Homenetmen Western Regional
    marching band.
    Special guests included Western Prelate Bishop Moushegh Mardirossian; Consul
    General of the Republic of Armenia Hon. Gagik Kirakosian; Sheriff Lee Baca;
    Homenetmen Central Executive members Manuel Marselian and Mher Tavitian; ARF
    Central Committee representative Hagop Tufenkjian; ARS Central Committee Vice
    Chairman Hasmig Derderian; State Assembly member Carl Liu; City of Los Angles
    councilwomen Wendy Greuel; City of Glendale Mayor Rafi Manoukian; Clerk of the
    City of Glendale Ardashes Kassakhian; Glendale Unified School District Gregory
    Krikorian; Burbank Unified School District member Paul Krikorian; and former
    Homenetemen Honorary presidents Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Ghailian and family.
    The pre-show featured the energetic and graceful Nairi Dance Ensemble of the
    San Fernando Valley Hamazkayin chapter, directed by Cathrine Hairabedian.
    Homenetmen Regional Executive Chairman Raffy Ispendjian highlighted the
    importance of Homenetmen, declaring, `Empower the body and mind and you will
    not only elevate yourself but others with you. This was the objective for a
    group of visionaries who had survived the First genocide of the 20th century
    when they established this organization. Nearly nine decades later, while the
    Universal acknowledgement of the first genocide of the 20th century remains
    unexplainable missing, the acknowledgment of individual and collective
    advancements is refuted.'
    Placing the celebration of the 30th Navasartian Games in the US in context,
    Ispendjian stressed, `We are undeniably aware of the inseparable connection
    between individual and collective freedom. Our forefathers--both Armenian and
    American--fought bravely to guarantee us these truths and it remains our
    inherent responsibility to protect them. Homenetmen is committed to the
    Armenian youth, with them we will grow and for them we stand as guardians for
    their right to individual excellence and collective advancement.'
    Homenetmen Central Executive member Mher Tavitian gave an inspiring speech
    about Homenetmen's work on a global level, as he announced the Pan Homenetmen
    games to be held in Athens, Greece.
    A poignant moment was when the Homenetmen Ararat Choir, conducted by Arig
    Gevorkian, took the stage and performed a special Navasartian song written by
    Gevorkian for the 30th Navasartian Games.
    Prelate Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian commenced his blessing remarks by
    praising Homenetmen for its continuous efforts to educate generations of
    Armenians throughout the world.
    Following the Bishop's address, Winds of Passion, In Progress..., and the Gor
    Band performed Armenian songs.
    The parade's announcers--former Regional Executive member Garbis Chkherdemian
    (in English) and HTV Armenian news anchor Nora Tchaparian-- outlined each
    chapter's achievements and Navasartian wins as the trophies were presented. As
    Regional scoutmaster Boyajian gave the command, the long-awaited parade of
    athletes and Homenetmen members began. Cheers filled the stadium as Homenetmen
    chapter Executives, Committee members, coaches, athletes, and scouts proudly
    The evening's festivities continued into the late hours of the Navasartian

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