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NK - Illegally deported Armenian JW conscientious objector jailed

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  • NK - Illegally deported Armenian JW conscientious objector jailed

    FORUM 18 NEWS SERVICE, Oslo, Norway

    The right to believe, to worship and witness
    The right to change one's belief or religion
    The right to join together and express one's belief

    Thursday 7 July 2005

    An Armenian citizen, Jehovah's Witness conscientious objector Armen
    Grigoryan, who was illegally deported from Armenia to the unrecognised
    republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, has been jailed in Karabakh for two years
    and sent back to Armenia to serve the sentence, Forum 18 News Service has
    learnt. Armen Grigoryan joins eleven other Jehovah's Witness conscientious
    objectors who are currently jailed in Armenia, despite the country's broken
    promise to the Council of Europe that it would free all these prisoners of
    conscience and introduce civilian alternative service by January 2004. In
    another Nagorno-Karabakh case, that of Baptist conscientious objector
    Gagik Mirzoyan - a Karabakh native who has already spent 10 days in a
    military prison - the Nagorno-Karabakh Foreign Ministry has told
    Forum 18 that no case has yet been formally brought against him. His
    congregation were expecting him to be tried in June.


    By Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service

    Jehovah's Witness Armen Grigoryan - sentenced on 9 June in Stepanakert,
    capital of the unrecognised republic of Nagorno-Karabakh in the South
    Caucasus, to two years' imprisonment for refusing military service - was
    returned to his homeland of Armenia on 5 July to serve his sentence,
    Albert Voskanyan of the Stepanakert-based Centre for Civilian Initiatives
    told Forum 18 News Service on 7 July. Grigoryan, an Armenian citizen, was
    forcibly deported to Nagorno-Karabakh against his will, after being seized
    in the Armenian capital Yerevan in June 2004 (see F18News 6 January 2005 ).

    In the case of Baptist conscientious objector Gagik Mirzoyan - a Karabakh
    native - Leonid Martirosyan, chief of staff of Nagorno-Karabakh's Foreign
    Ministry, said that no case against Mirzoyan has yet reached the
    Nagorno-Karabakh prosecutor's office in Stepanakert in readiness for a
    trial. "This means either no case has yet been lodged against him or
    that the investigation is still underway," he told Forum 18 from
    Stepanakert on 7 July.

    Armen Grigoryan, who is from Yerevan, was sentenced under Articles 362
    part 1 and 364 part 1 of the criminal code (Nagorno-Karabakh has adopted
    Armenia's criminal code). These respectively punish desertion with a
    prison sentence of up to four years and "refusal to perform one's
    military duties" with detention of up to 3 months, disciplinary
    battalion of up to 2 years or imprisonment of up to 2 years. Voskanyan, of
    the Centre for Civilian Initiatives, said Grigoryan was returned to Armenia
    under an agreement between the Armenian and Karabakh authorities that
    Armenian citizens imprisoned in the enclave are to be returned to serve
    their sentences in their homeland.

    Armenia's human rights ombudsperson Larisa Alaverdyan, denied to Forum 18
    in May that Grigoryan had been illegally deported as "there's no such
    term," but admitted that "it might have been illegal
    removal." She defended what she claimed was the right of the Armenian
    Defence Ministry to send Armenian citizens to Nagorno-Karabakh, which
    international law regards as part of Azerbaijan (see F18News 17 May 2005 She has also
    previously denied to Forum 18 that jailing Jehovah's Witness conscientious
    objectors breaks Armenia's Council of Europe and OSCE commitments, blaming
    the Jehovah's Witnesses themselves for the problems they face at the hands
    of the Armenian government (see F18News 3 August 2004 ).

    Another Jehovah's Witness, Areg Hovhanesyan, a Karabakh native, was
    sentenced to four years' imprisonment on 16 February (see F18News 22
    February 2005 ). He is
    now being held in prison in the town of Shushi, Jehovah's Witnesses told
    Forum 18. Voskanyan reported that he visits Hovhanesyan in prison every
    few weeks as part of a prison monitoring programme. "I was with him
    two weeks ago," he told Forum 18. "Areg seemed well."
    Voskanyan added that he also speaks regularly to the prison governor.

    Baptist conscientious objector Gagik Mirzoyan, also a Karabakh native, was
    called up last December and refused to serve with weapons or to swear the
    military oath on grounds of religious conscience. Since being conscripted
    he has been beaten up in two different military units and served 10 days
    in military prison (see F18News 6 January 2005 and 15 April 2005 =544 ).

    Ashot Yegonyan of the public prosecutor's office of Hadrut region of
    south-eastern Nagorno-Karabakh told Mirzoyan's mother in May that charges
    have been laid against her son under Article 364 part 1 of the criminal
    code. His fellow Baptists reported in May that they were expecting a trial
    in June, with the possibility of beuing sentenced to jail or forced labour
    for two years (see F18News 20 May 2005 ).

    However, a member of the Council of Churches Baptists, to which Mirzoyan's
    congregation belongs, confirmed to Forum 18 on 7 July that no trial has yet
    taken place, but said they are expecting one soon. The Council of Churches
    Baptists refuse on principle to register with the state authorities in
    post-Soviet countries, and Mirzoyan's congregation has faced harassment
    from the Karabakh authorities (see F18News 27 September 2004 ).

    Martirosyan of the Nagorno-Karabakh Foreign Ministry defended the
    continuing imprisonment of conscientious objectors. "Karabakh law
    requires all young men to serve, and refusing this duty represents
    breaking the law," he told Forum 18 from Stepanakert. He stressed
    that the war with Azerbaijani forces has not yet finished and no peace
    treaty has been signed. "We have to look at the specifics of our
    situation. War could revive at any moment." He told Forum 18 that the
    government has recently considered the possibility of introducing an
    alternative to compulsory military service. "But there was no

    Voskanyan of the Centre for Civilian Initiatives admitted that
    conscientious objection is a "thorny issue" in Nagorno-Karabakh,
    which provokes "great arguments". While stressing that freedom of
    conscience is a right guaranteed by the constitution, he warned that
    "society must be prepared carefully so that we can take this
    step". He told Forum 18 that his centre will soon hold a roundtable
    to discuss alternative service, with politicians, officials, human rights
    activists, local Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics and Baptists, members of
    the Armenian Apostolic Church and representatives of international
    organisations. "We want this roundtable to be well-prepared," he

    Now back in Armenia, Grigoryan joins eleven other Jehovah's Witness
    conscientious objectors currently serving prison terms. The most recent
    sentences were of Sarkis Karapetyan and Tatul Gogjanyan in April (see
    F18News 17 May 2005 ).
    Armenia has continued to unashamedly break its promise to the Council of
    Europe that it would free all these prisoners of conscience and introduce
    civilian alternative service by January 2004 (see F18News 19 October 2004 ).

    A printer-friendly map of the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh is
    available at p=azerba
    within the map titled 'Azerbaijan'.

    A printer-friendly map of Armenia is available at

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