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Minister demands answer from major telecom for recent breakdown

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  • Minister demands answer from major telecom for recent breakdown

    Armenian minister demands answer from major telecom for recent breakdown

    Mediamax news agency
    7 Jul 05


    Armenian Transport and Communications Minister Andranik Manukyan has
    sent a letter to the management of the company ArmenTel, demanding an
    explanation of the cause of breakdown in the work of the mobile

    The minister described the existing situation as "incomprehensible"
    because ArmenTel's subscribers had not been able either to make or
    receive telephone calls twice in the last week, Mediamax
    reports. Manukyan said that he intends to get a prompt answer from the
    ArmenTel management.

    Andranik Manukyan noted that the second mobile operator Vivacell,
    which has been working on the Armenian market since 1 July, is
    functioning normally. Vivacell has already sold 70,000 mobile phone
    cards from 1 July, the minister said.