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OSCE Rep. praises Turkey for changing penal code, remains concerned

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  • OSCE Rep. praises Turkey for changing penal code, remains concerned

    Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE)
    July 7 2005

    OSCE Media Representative praises Turkey for changing penal code, but
    remains concerned

    VIENNA, 7 July 2005 - The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the
    Media, Miklos Haraszti, today praised the Turkish authorities for
    introducing important changes to the new Penal Code, following a
    legal review his Office produced last May listing 23 provisions that
    needed to be revoked.

    However, "despite some improvements, the amendments do not
    sufficiently eliminate threats to freedom of expression and to a free
    press," Mr Haraszti said.

    The revised Turkish Penal Code was finally approved by parliament on
    Wednesday, 29 June. It now has to be published in the Official
    Gazette in order to enter into force.

    Out of the 23 changes the OSCE Representative suggested in May, seven
    provisions have been brought into line with media freedom principles.

    A welcome improvement is the deletion of most of the provisions which
    assumed stronger sanctions when the media was involved. Turkish
    lawmakers acknowledged that information about crimes could be in the
    interest of free discussion of public affairs.

    Relating to Article 305 on "offences against fundamental national
    interests", the Representative noted with satisfaction that two
    examples in the explanatory "Reasoning Document" - making it a crime
    to demand the withdrawal of Turkish troops from Cyprus or to claim
    that Armenians were exposed to genocide - have been removed.

    On a negative note, however, Mr Haraszti observed three major areas
    where media freedom remains endangered:

    * the right of journalists to report and discuss on public-interest
    issues is not secured;
    * restrictions on access and disclosure of information have not been
    * defamation and insult provisions remain a criminal rather than a
    civil offence, thereby leaving the free discussion of public affairs
    at risk.

    The Representative expressed his hope that modernisation of the
    Turkish Penal Code would continue in the spirit of improving the
    freedom of public scrutiny, while the provisions promoting
    self-censorship would all be removed.

    The original legal review can be found at