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Armenians Divided on NATO Membership

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  • Armenians Divided on NATO Membership

    Angus Reid Global Scan, Canada
    July 7 2005

    Armenians Divided on NATO Membership

    (Angus Reid Global Scan) - Adults in Armenia are split on their
    country's eventual participation in an international defence
    partnership, according to a poll by the Armenian Center for National
    and International Studies. 34.7 per cent of respondents believe
    Armenia should join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),
    while 33.9 per cent disagree.

    NATO was originally formed in 1949 as an agreement of collaboration
    designed to prevent a possible attack from the Soviet Union on North
    America or Western Europe during the Cold War.

    In March 2004, NATO added seven more nations, six of which were once
    members of the Warsaw Pact - a military alliance of Eastern European
    Soviet countries.

    Supporters of NATO in Armenia cite the partnership as the most
    effective arrangement to ensure security, and believe it should be a
    priority for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia to become members of a
    common security system.

    Conversely, Armenians who do not want to join NATO believe their
    country should continue being a member of the Russia-supported
    Collective Security Treaty Organization, and believe the relations
    between Armenia and Turkey have not yet been resolved.

    Polling Data

    Do you think Armenia should become a member of NATO?



    Difficult to answer

    "Yes" Respondents - Why do you think Armenia should join NATO?

    NATO is the most effective system for ensuring security

    It is expedient for Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia
    to be members of a common security system

    Armenia cannot become a member of the European
    Union (EU) without becoming a member of NATO

    "No" Respondents - Why do you think Armenia should not join NATO?

    Armenia should continue to be a member of
    the Collective Security Treaty Organization
    and to link its security with Russia

    Because the relations between Armenia and
    NATO-member Turkey are not yet resolved

    Armenia is not expected at NATO, so
    there is no need to think about it

    Source: Armenian Center for National and International Studies
    Methodology: Interviews with 1,500 Armenian adults, conducted in June
    2005. No margin of error was provided.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress