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Controversial TV technology at edge of legal frontier

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  • Controversial TV technology at edge of legal frontier

    Controversial TV technology at edge of legal frontier
    Wed Jul 6, 2005 3:10 PM BST

    By Andrew Wallenstein

    LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Days after the Supreme Court
    weighed in on digital copyright infringement issues in the MGM
    v. Grokster case, select consumer electronics chains began stocking a
    product some predict could spark the entertainment industry's next
    showdown over intellectual property rights.

    New to the shelves of Best Buy and CompUSA this month is Slingbox, a
    brick-sized device that enables viewers to route the live television
    signal coming into their homes to a portable device anywhere on the
    globe via broadband connection. Slingbox costs $250 and has no
    subsequent subscription fee; several stores sold out on the first day.

    Created by San Mateo, Calif.-based company Sling Media, Slingbox is
    the most prominent example of a handful of new ventures trying to
    repeat what TiVo achieved through time-shifting with technology
    capable of what loosely is referred to as place-shifting. Leading
    place-shifting firms even have drawn interest from cable operators
    interested in potential partnerships.

    But a mechanism that transplants a live video feed also could
    potentially relocate its marketers to a federal courtroom, where they
    could raise questions about content transmission.

    "I'll bet there will be a Supreme Court ruling sometime in the next
    decade specifically addressing this issue: Does the consumer have the
    right to place-shift as they do time-shift their content?" said Ted
    Shelton, chief operating officer of Orb Networks, a competitor to
    Sling Media that offers its own place-shifting software online free of

    Orb has been on the market since January, collecting 30,000
    subscribers with a software-only technology that requires a TV tuner
    card and also can transmit other forms of media stored on a hard

    Place-shifting is problematic to many copyright holders because it
    sidesteps what is known in legalese as proximity control, which
    restricts the distribution of content to specific regions and
    times. It's a standard contractual stipulation for the Motion Picture
    Assn. of America, whose member studios license distribution rights to
    movies for distinct territories; the National Football League, which
    considers geographic limits the linchpin of lucrative television
    deals, including its Sunday Ticket pact with DirecTV; and local
    television stations, which pony up millions of dollars for exclusive
    territorial rights to all kinds of programming.

    "Slingbox is one manifestation of what we assume will be a cascade of
    similar products that are meant to manipulate our signals in ways that
    we think will be harmful to the network-affiliate business, if not the
    law," CBS executive vp Martin Franks said.

    Putting aside the piracy risks, place-shifting critics offer plenty of
    scenarios that put the technology in murky legal territory.

    Two Slingbox subscribers could send each other programming unavailable
    in their respective areas; an East Coast viewer could stream
    "Survivor" to the West Coast three hours early. The West Coast viewer
    could return the favor by providing access to a premium channel the
    East Coast viewer doesn't pay to receive.

    Sling Media CEO Blake Krikorian knows full well the implications of
    his product. Mindful of the backlash that derailed Napster, he and
    rival executives have been busy reaching out to various sectors of the
    entertainment world in hopes of educating and collaborating. He
    envisions a host of new revenue opportunities for content owners but
    realizes Slingbox requires an industrywide paradigm shift.

    "The Internet has changed the meaning of what proximity and geography
    is," Krikorian said. "Hollywood needs to step up and deal with it. If
    it's disrupting existing business relations, we need to figure out how
    the next business models evolve that make it a win-win for the
    consumer and the industry."

    Krikorian is a Silicon Valley veteran whose love of baseball spurred
    him to develop Slingbox; he just wanted to catch live broadcasts of
    San Francisco Giants games when he was out of town. Now he could end
    up redefining "remote control" with a versatile contraption that drew
    huge buzz at January's Consumer Electronics Show.

    "I've seen their product, and it's fantastic," said Fred von Lohmann,
    senior staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a San
    Francisco-based group that lobbies for digital rights on behalf of Web
    users against the studios and labels. "To see it is to want it."

    Slingbox could have been dubbed Re-DirecTV: It attaches to your cable
    box (analog or digital), satellite receiver, digital video recorder or
    directly to the television monitor and diverts the signal to a laptop
    loaded with Slingbox software. Eventually, Slingbox will be able to
    transmit to cell phones, PDAs and other portable devices that connect
    to the Internet.

    Slingbox might be ideal for keeping tabs on the Giants while
    vacationing in Bora Bora, but Krikorian believes the product will be
    more popular for less far-flung applications like sneaking a peek at
    daytime soap operas on your office cubicle's desktop.

    Slingbox isn't alone in the place-shifting category. There are a few
    other, more expensive hardware offerings for place-shifters that have
    found little traction with consumers, including Sony's Location-Free
    Portable Broadband TV and TV2Me. More market entrants are expected.

    The king of time-shifting also is involved in place-shifting, albeit
    somewhat differently: TiVo's new TiVoToGo offering allows subscribers
    to send programming to a portable platform. When TiVoToGo was
    announced, it was denounced by the MPAA and NFL as a copyright
    violation, but both relented once TiVo agreed that TiVoToGo would only
    transmit programs that already were recorded.

    Slingbox and others can transmit recorded and live programs, which
    could draw fire from any number of quarters. The MPAA is studying
    place-shifting technology but has no set course of action.

    "We're hopeful Slingbox will incorporate technology that will respect
    copyright," said Dean Garfield, vp and director of legal affairs at
    MPAA. "You don't have the authority to retransmit license work without
    negotiation or authorization."

    No media-driven entity is being more zealous in this area than the
    NFL, which blitzes copyright infringers with the speed of a
    lottery-pick defensive lineman.

    With a little trading of account information, Slingbox subscribers
    conceivably could make end runs around the NFL's blackout rule, which
    eliminates the local broadcast of a game that isn't sold out, and
    Sunday Ticket, the subscription package delivering out-of-market games
    via DirecTV, which paid the NFL $3.5 billion over five years for
    exclusive rights through 2010. The NFL declined comment.

    Slingbox also could wreak havoc with affiliates by impairing local
    advertisers, who provide targeted commercials, and syndicators, whose
    content comes with strings attached related to timing and exclusivity.

    "I would be shocked if this were used for commercial purposes and it
    wouldn't be a copyright problem," said Greg Schmidt, vp development
    and general counsel at LIN TV Corp., which owns 23 TV stations in the
    U.S. and Puerto Rico.

    The potential for piracy might be Slingbox's least objectionable

    Slingbox does not engage in file sharing; video can't be sent to more
    than one device at a time. But that comes as small comfort to CBS'
    Franks, who singled out Slingbox as a security concern at the
    network's annual affiliates conference last month in Las Vegas.

    "Even if you take it at face value that it is a one-to-one transmittal
    device, I don't think it will be very long before some hacker in
    Cupertino posts on the Web the way to modify it, the way they modify a
    TiVo, that turns it into something that can be tapped by 50 people,"
    Franks said.

    To Krikorian, place-shifting boils down to a simple principle:
    Shouldn't the consumer be entitled to view the content they pay for at
    home elsewhere? It's a revolutionary concept at a time when
    programmers are eyeing new ancillary revenue streams by charging
    viewers additionally for each new platform including the Internet and
    cell phones, where TV content will be repurposed.

    In Krikorian's view, Slingbox actually could help affiliates who are
    seeing these new platforms erode the whole notion of localism. Rather
    than be concerned with attracting the eyeballs of visiting viewers who
    aren't likely to respond to local advertising because they will spend
    most disposable income in their home market, affiliates could be
    empowered by Slingbox to send ads to their viewers out of market,
    enabling them to shop when they return.

    Place-shifting also conceivably could help affiliates face down their
    viewers' biggest distraction -- the Internet -- by replanting the TV
    signal where they lose viewers' attention most: the computer,
    particularly at work.

    "The product allows me to reach the consumer in so many ways that they
    were starting to lose people," Krikorian said. "Broadcasters would
    love to reach you while you're at work."

    Place-shifting companies know they can't go it alone. They are talking
    to anyone in the entertainment industry who will take their meetings,
    and that has included broadcasters, production companies and

    "Some technology companies have said, 'We can do it, and screw you,' "
    said Orb's Shelton. "We've seen this before with Napster. It's not an
    effective business model."

    One industry sector said to be keenly interested in place-shifting is
    cable operators, who sources say see the technology as an inducement
    for its subscribers to bundle high-speed data with video. Like TiVo,
    Slingbox or Orb eventually could be embedded into operators' set-top

    One potential problem: Cable operators and the programmers that
    maintain concerns over copyright violations often are inside the same

    Comcast Corp. and Time Warner Cable declined comment.

    The telecommunications firms already have taken notice. Sprint has
    partnered with Orb, which is sold with its broadband product as Sprint
    Personal Media Link. Orb also has a deal with Sony Pictures Digital to
    run trailers of its upcoming movies. Shelton sees this as a way for
    the Hollywood establishment to dip its toe into uncharted waters and
    "think through the economics and technology issues necessary to go to
    the next step," he said.

    If place-shifting catches on, it raises an additional question as to
    how those viewers will be tracked. Nielsen Media Research already is
    at work on a variety of technologies that would measure place-shifted
    viewing but no timetable is on the horizon.

    "They are on my dance card," said Scott Brown, Nielsen senior vp
    strategic relations, marketing and technology. Brown said he envisions
    Slingbox meeting the same gradual success that fueled digital video

    Reuters/Hollywood Reporter