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Parents irked over military high school recruitment

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  • Parents irked over military high school recruitment

    Posted: July 5, 2005 10:00 PM
    Parents irked over military high school recruitment

    Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Fox News

    WASHINGTON - A little-known provision in the No Child Left Behind Act
    that compels public high schools to open their doors and pupil records
    to military recruiters has some parents, students and anti-war groups
    up in arms.

    "We think most people were unaware of it," Amy Hagopian, co-president
    of the Garfield High School Parent-Teacher-Student Association in
    Seattle and an active counter-recruiter in the school, said of the

    Hagopian said parents are just becoming aware of the policy, which
    gives recruiters the same access to high school campuses and students'
    phone numbers and addresses as colleges and businesses have. Districts
    that don't comply could risk annual federal funding.

    According to the law, parents must be notified and can refuse to
    release their children's information. Every school has adopted
    different notification policies, some being more effective than
    others, school officials said.

    "Parents are confused - they are not well-informed," said Hagopian,the
    mother of two teenagers.

    Military recruitment issues have been making headlines in recent
    weeks, as the Army, Marine Corps and National Guard have announced
    shortfalls in their goals this year.

    Reports say recruitment pressure is translating into inappropriate
    tactics by recruiters to the extent that the Army halted recruiting
    for one day in May to refresh staff with proper protocol in dealing
    with prospective soldiers.

    Paul Rieckoff, an Iraq war veteran and founder of Operation Truth, a
    veterans' advocacy organization, said parents are now reacting to
    "major recruiting problems" and bad news coming out of Iraq.

    "I think it's safe to say there is concern and even the beginning of a
    movement to combat or to face the recruiters at the high schools," he
    said."We don't necessarily endorse that but the critical issue is that
    the Army has missed their goals again this year."

    The military has always had access to schools but not all have opened
    their doors and records equally. Now, the No Child Left Behind Act
    emboldens efforts to gain "access to the best and brightest this
    country has to offer," said Department of Defense spokeswoman
    Lt. Col. Ellen Krenke.

    "For some of our students, this may be the best opportunity they have
    to get a college education," wrote Secretary of Defense Donald
    Rumsfeld and former Secretary of Education Rod Paige in an October
    2002 letter to school superintendents announcing the new law.

    "The support by our nation's educational institutions on behalf of the

    Armed Forces is critical to the success of the all-volunteer force,"
    they stated.

    But some parents and teachers say school is not an appropriate place
    for the military's message, and complain the hard sell has gotten
    harder since the Iraq war began and following lackluster recruitment

    "The recruiters really harangue people, and this is what parents are
    trying to avoid," said Tina Weishaus, president of the Highland Park
    Middle School/High School Parent Teacher Organization in New Jersey.

    She works with the Central Jersey Coalition Against Endless War, which
    has been encouraging counter-recruitment at high schools there, and is
    helping to develop better notification for parents who may not know
    they can refuse access to their child's records.

    "Personally, I think the whole thing should be struck from No Child
    Left Behind," Weishaus said. "I don't think the federal government
    should be mandating that schools become a recruiting ground for the

    Army spokesman Doug Smith said the Army has not accelerated
    recruitment at the schools in the face of missed goals. It is
    primarily targeting college students, he said, with the average age of
    21 for new Army recruits. In 2002, 12,560 out of the 77,000
    enlistments were recruited out of high schools.

    Other critics say they have no problem with military recruiters, but
    are concerned about students' privacy.

    "Basically, as soon as we found out about it, it sparked a lot of
    concern," said Liz Lipshultz, 17, who was a freshman when the new law
    was implemented.

    She and other students at Montclair High School in New Jersey mounted
    an aggressive campaign and were able to help pass a school board
    policy that ensured parents would be made more aware of their options
    each September.

    According to Montclair school officials, more than 80 percent of the
    parents who responded to that campaign asked that their records not be
    given to recruiters this year. "It's important to show that obviously,
    peoples' privacy does matter; people do care about it," Lipshultz

    Sue Maquire, principal of Mt. Anthony High School in Bennington, Vt.,
    said the new law "was quite controversial when it came out," but
    parents are pretty much aware now, thanks to letters the school sends
    home every year. Most of them refuse access to their child's records,
    she said. But the school remains fair, giving recruiters equal time to
    make their pitches to students.

    "We just try to do it in a fair way, with no push for or against it,"
    said Maquire.

    Some say the recruitment issue is not a problem in low-income schools,
    where the military option is more attractive to high school
    seniors. Terry D'Italia, spokesman for Hartford Public Schools in
    Connecticut, said he expects greater resistance in more affluent

    "We are a very poor school system and the military is a really nice
    option for our students, who can not only get skills training but
    college tuition when they get out," he said, adding that they allow
    peace groups equal access and notify parents as well. "We have heard
    little static from it."

    Hagopian, who spends a lot of time in Garfield High School's
    cafeteria, often confronting recruiters, said low-income students have
    become fertile recruitment fodder for war. "It's really the mission of
    the PTSA to look out for all of the kids who our in our buildings."

    Bill Cala, superintendent of the Fairport Central School District in
    New York, said his school has been found non-compliant with the law
    because it doesn't release the names of students to the military
    unless parents specifically give their consent.

    He said about 80 out of the 1,600 students in the school consented
    this school year, but recruitment among seniors hit 2 percent.

    "This really, for us, is a privacy issue and doesn't have anything to
    do with support for the military or for the war," Cala said.