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There will be no color revolutions in Azerbaijan

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  • There will be no color revolutions in Azerbaijan

    Agency WPS
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    July 8, 2005, Friday


    SOURCE: Voyenno-Promyshlenny Kurier, No 24, July 6 - 12, 2005, p. 7

    by Jasur Mamedov


    Azerbaijani Internal Troops are regarded as probably the best trained
    and mature units. What are their goals and tasks? How are they
    developing? Here is an interview with Internal Troops Commander
    Lieutenant General Zakir Gasanov.

    Question: How would you evaluate the condition of the Internal

    Zakir Gasanov: The Internal Troops has taken an active part in all
    key events in the country ever since the moment of their formation in
    1992. Changes and reforms in the Internal Troops under way since
    1993, enabled them to reach a high degree of discipline and combat

    Many service members of the Internal Troops were promoted and some of
    them decorated by presidential decree, the other day. Nine barracks
    and hostels were built and five more repaired in the last two years.
    New canteens for service members were built in accordance with
    European standards. A new hospital with the latest medical equipment
    was built as well.

    Question: You cooperate with analogous structures of Turkey, the
    United States, and China. Could you say a few words on results of
    this cooperation and interaction, please?

    Zakir Gasanov: We established close contacts with the Turkish
    gendarmerie. The contacts are based on the protocol specifying main
    spheres of our cooperation signed by our structures. A special
    emphasis is made on personnel training. Turkish gendarmerie's aid to
    the Azerbaijani Internal Troops amounted to $7 million. Half of the
    sum was spent on the Gala Training Center we built.

    Over 100 Azerbaijani service members were trained in Turkey within
    the framework of the cooperation protocol. Special attention there is
    paid to the training of officers for the special forces of the
    Azerbaijani Internal Troops. Sixty specialists are to be trained this
    year. All of them will be trained in technical knowledge, command
    methods, and foreign languages.

    Four other Azerbaijani officers are being trained at the special
    training center of the People's Liberation Army of China. Turkish
    gendarmerie and Chinese police are extensively experienced in the war
    on terrorism. Our officers will be taught the necessary skills there.

    Along with everything else, Azerbaijani officers regularly attend
    conferences and seminars in Germany, the United States, Italy, and
    Slovenia within the framework of NATO programs.

    Question: What about contacts with CIS countries?

    Zakir Gasanov: Our relations here are based on mutually beneficial
    exchange of experience. Azerbaijani officers regularly participate in
    international military exercises. Where material and equipment are
    concerned, the Azerbaijani Internal Troops are among the best in the
    CIS. Countries of the Commonwealth admit it freely nowadays and
    display interest in closer contacts with our Internal Troops. We made
    all documents pertaining the Internal Troops compatible with modern
    standards in 2004, and revised battle codes and methodology of
    warfare. We used the experience and the example of FIEP, the
    structure that unites European gendarmeries, and other similar

    Our leaders have already given permission to acquaint representatives
    of CIS countries with documents of the Internal Troops.

    A delegation of the Azerbaijani Internal Troops visited Russia from
    June 14-18, on an invitation from Colonel General Nikolai Rogozhkin,
    Commander of the Russian Internal Troops. I can say that it was a
    constructive dialogue over combat training and technical maintenance.
    The decision was made to advance our cooperation even more. Some
    meetings in Moscow and St.Petersburg took place as well. To be more
    exact, our delegation visited a police regiment of the 55th Division
    and the operational division. It was known as Dzerzhinsky Division
    once for its penchant for army principles, and that it remained true
    to them is clear even now.

    It should be noted here that priorities of Russian and Azerbaijani
    Internal Troops are somewhat different at this point. The former are
    actively fighting terrorists, while the latter are gradually
    transforming into a law enforcement structure.

    In any case, I am convinced that efficiency of the Russian and
    Azerbaijani interior ministries in dealing with terrorism and
    organized crime is quite adequate. The numbers of criminals we hunt
    down and extradite to the partner confirms this assumption.

    As I see it, cooperation between us will benefit both countries. I
    invited Rogozhkin to make an official visit to Azerbaijan in the
    first half of 2006. He accepted. Rogozhkin and I agreed to address
    our respective ministries with the suggestion to sign a protocol on
    intentions between the national Internal Troops. As I see it, the
    document will comprise all spheres of cooperation including exchange
    in combat training, personnel training, Azerbaijani officers'
    participation in counter-terrorism exercises of the Russian Internal
    Troops, etc.

    I even think that some officers, particularly officers of operational
    regiments, will be able to study at Russian military colleges. We
    could use the experience the Russian Internal Troops accumulated in
    the course of the counter-terrorism operation in the Caucasus.

    Question: It is common knowledge that NATO aspires for unification of
    all security structures in a single organization. Georgia is a vivid
    example. Do you think the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry will ever
    absorb the Internal Troops?

    Zakir Gasanov: There are no such precedents in FIEP, the structure
    formed by nine countries. Say, the Italian carabinieri, and gendarmes
    in Turkey, France, and Portugal belong to their interior ministries.
    In Germany this structure is responsible for the state borders and
    public order. It is also a part of the Interior Ministry. I do not
    know any other CIS country with the exception of Georgia where the
    Internal Troops are an element of the Defense Ministry.

    If and when the Internal Troops are supposed to perform functions of
    law enforcement, then these functions must be performed within the
    framework of the Interior Ministry. Our functions and duties are
    specified by the law on the status of the Internal Troops adopted in
    1994. Professional duties of the Internal Troops include protection
    of vital state objects, maintenance of law and order, prevention of
    mass uprising, dealing with armed criminals, and search and detention
    of escaped criminals.

    I do not have to say that whenever other security structures meddle,
    it leads to unpleasant "surprises". Life teaches us for example that
    the use of regular army against mass uprising always ends in tragedy.
    Just because army units lack the necessary skills or means for
    operations of this kind. They are trained to deal with an enemy,
    trained to kill. The methods the Internal Troops are using on the
    other hand are harmless to health. As I see it, the Internal Troops
    should cooperate with other security structures even more. We will
    follow the example of advanced countries. The Internal Troops may
    never change their name to gendarmerie or something, but they will
    become a similar structure and remain in the Internal Troops.

    Question: The subject of color revolutions is the talk of the day.
    Parliamentary election is forthcoming in Azerbaijan. No wonder the
    rumors concerning a revolution and mass disturbances in Azerbaijan
    are circulating. Are the Internal Troops prepared for this turn of

    Zakir Gasanov: We want all problems handled within the framework of
    the law. Should stability in the country be threatened (though I do
    not expect it), we will certainly take measures. All actions on the
    part of destructive elements - be they disturbances or other
    violations - will be taken care of.

    Question: Exercises of the Azerbaijani Internal Troops take place in
    line with NATO standards. What are the advantages of that?

    Zakir Gasanov: First and foremost, the matter concerns experience of
    NATO countries like the United States, Great Britain, Turkey, etc. in
    the war on terrorism. This experience allows for development of the
    troops in the proper direction. Using it, we emulated foreign
    structural principles, methods of combat, tactics... As a result, our
    combat training is up to NATO standards at this point. Moreover, we
    studiously learn from the leading countries like Turkey and the
    United States. For example, a team of Turkish gendarmes is assigned
    to the Gala Training Center as advisors. One of them is my personal
    consultant. We exchange opinions regularly.

    Question: How do the Internal Troops handle the personnel problem?

    Zakir Gasanov: We get graduates from Heydar Aliyev Supreme Military
    College and Gala Training Center, I have already mentioned. This
    latter was built with help from the Turkish gendarmerie. Its cadets
    study special courses, visit the center of science, etc.

    Like gendarmeries in Turkey, Italy, and Germany, the Azerbaijani
    Internal Troops are staffed with graduates from military colleges. We
    received 60 of them in the last 2 years. Needless to say, we need
    more by way of officers. Moreover, the Internal Troops are constantly
    evolving and developing, branching off into narrow special fields.
    That is why we are constantly on a lookout for men with higher and
    secondary education after military service. At first, however, they
    have to pass certain tests. We have special courses at the Gala
    Training Center for this purpose.

    Question: You say that the Internal Troops are equipped properly.
    Could you please elaborate?

    Zakir Gasanov: The sums set aside in the state budget for the
    Internal Troops increase 40% each year these last two years. Compare
    that with how the Internal Troops in other post-Soviet countries are
    financed, and you'll spot the difference immediately. This years
    budget amounted to 81 billion manats (just over $16 million), quite
    enough for our purposes.

    Military hardware of the Internal Troops is quite modern and
    sophisticated. The process of its renovation never ends. These days,
    communications means in the Internal Troops are of Turkish and
    British manufacture 99%. These means are justly regarded as some of
    the best in the world. Azerbaijani officers use GPS gear.

    Special forces of the Internal Troops are outfitted with special
    equipment, body armor and bulletproof shields. They have durable
    masks, modern weapons, and communications means - not to mention all
    other necessary items and articles. It costs $2,000-3,000 to equip a
    single service member. The Internal Troops began using expensive
    special equipment of German make not long ago. We even have
    American-made bomb disposal equipment. The device X-rays suspicious
    objects from a safe distance and determines what is inside. The
    explosive device is then dealt with.

    Acting in accordance with the orders from the president, we handle
    explosives nowadays. Dogs are trained for this purpose and for the
    purpose of dealing with trafficking. We intend to buy special robots
    to neutralize explosive devices from a distance. I can only say that
    all this effort pays. The Internal Troops confiscated 198 weapons and
    19 knives from criminals in the last several years. They disarmed 491
    explosive device and 234 hand grenades. Our special team carried out
    20 such operations in 2004 alone.

    Question: What about formation of a detachment of peacekeepers in the
    Internal Troops? Any progress to report?

    Zakir Gasanov: It is common knowledge that NATO intends to form a
    major peacekeeping structure. Aware of our limitations, we suggested
    formation of a peacekeeping company in the Internal Troops by 2008.
    National leaders discussed the matter with the Alliance. We are
    working on it now. I do not doubt that peacekeepers of the
    Azerbaijani Internal Troops will participate in major international
    operations one fine day.

    Question: What is the level of your relations with FIEP? Is there a
    chance for the Azerbaijani Internal Troops to join the structure?

    Zakir Gasanov: FIEP is keeping an eye on the Azerbaijani Internal
    Troops. In fact, we submitted all documents to FIEP in 2004.

    A FIEP conference took place in Portugal in early 2005. Our
    application was discussed. FIEP voted to send a working team to
    Azerbaijan to evaluate performance of the Internal Troops and study
    our potential from the point of view of membership in the structure.
    The next conference will take place this October, and the matter will
    be brought up and discussed again. I'd say that the Azerbaijani
    Internal Troops are up to the majority of FIEP standards at this
    point. At the same time, I do not rule out the possibility of certain
    problems born of differences. Say, there are lots of civilians in
    gendarmeries of European countries. Along with everything else, they
    handle all investigations. Unlike the Azerbaijani Internal Troops,
    gendarmeries in European countries guard penitentiary establishments.
    In this country, this is the function of the Justice Ministry.

    At the same time, there are no differences between us where combat
    training and other suchlike important matters are concerned. I
    therefore hope that the Azerbaijani Internal Troops will become an
    element of this prestigious structure. We will be able to use its
    potential in the sphere of organization of exercises, personnel
    training, and so on.

    Question: Azerbaijan and Armenia are essentially at war. What are the
    Internal Troops doing in this sphere?

    Zakir Gasanov: We have a distinct advantage because we know where and
    in what conditions the hostilities will be waged. It is clear that we
    will choose the tactic of attack. Hence all the attention to combat
    training. We have an area in the vicinity of Baku where the terrain
    resembles Nagorno-Karabakh's. The president ordered the area turned
    over to us for exercises.

    I'd like to add that the Internal Troops took an active part in the
    hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh and performed brilliantly. Nine
    servicemen became national heroes, 1,735 were decorated. Capacities
    of the Internal Troops are considerable. We will be able to tackle a
    broad assortment of combat tasks in a war. Detachments of special
    forces are ever ready to reinforce the advancing army. Our motorized
    regiments can stay behind the advancing units to direct traffic,
    maintain public order, and guard vital state objects.

    >From our folders:

    Zakir Askar Ogly Gasanov was born in the Astara district of
    Azerbaijan on June 6, 1959. Graduate from the Supreme Military
    College (formerly the Baku Supreme Command School), he served in the
    Soviet Army Group between 1980 and 1985. Gasanov served at the Altai
    army enlistment and recruitment office of the Siberian Military
    District between 1985 and 1993. He served at the Main Directorate of
    Border Troops of the Azerbaijani National Security Ministry between
    1993 and 2003, when he became chief of the Directorate of
    International Contacts of the State Border Service. Gasanov became
    deputy interior minister and Internal Troops commander on January 17,
    2003. Decorations: For Military Service, For Distinguished Service on
    the Border, Azerbaijani Flag order. Rank: Lieutenant General.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress