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NKR: Nagorno Karabakh Is a Conflict Party

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  • NKR: Nagorno Karabakh Is a Conflict Party


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    07 July 05

    In the June 29 issue of the Russian newspaper Novoye Vremya the former
    co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Vladimir Kazimirov pointed out the
    maintenance of the ceasefire and deterrence of military actions in the
    present stage of regulation of the Karabakh conflict. Shall we expect
    serious changes in the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh issue? asks
    the Russian diplomat, commending Bakus proposal of direct
    relationships with Nagorno Karabakh, says the newspaper. However,
    according to Kazimirov, the dialogue between the two communities
    proposed by Azerbaijan means avoiding direct talks. Nagorno Karabakh
    is a conflict party, which is reflected in all the international
    documents, arrangements of 1993-1994, mentions the former Minsk Group
    co-chair, adding that neither the routes nor the oil pipeline
    guarantee that military actions will not be resumed. What is the
    possibility that military actions will be resumed, if we consider that
    recently the Azerbaijani president has been making militaristic
    statements quite often? Analysing the situation in the article Ilhams
    Threats, Hayots Ashkhar Daily Newspaper (June 30) supposes that Alievs
    militaristic statements are simply to ease the home political tensions
    on the eve of the election in Azerbaijan and distracting the attention
    of the society to a external factor; in this case the Karabakh
    conflict. The newspaper predicts that before the elections the
    Azerbaijani authorities will by all means set forward the idea of
    existence of an external threat to corner the opposition which is
    becoming increasingly strong. Aliev realizes that simply there is no
    other way of overcoming the home political complications in the
    upcoming autumn. It is necessary to set forward something new to throw
    a monkey wrench in the works of the opposition. According to the
    author of the article, this was the reason for the groundless
    statements about the glorious victory in the competition of weaponry
    with Armenia and consequently the Azerbaijani armys being the
    strongest in the South Caucasus. Finally, writes the analyst of Hayots
    Ashkhar, in order to control the home political life, hold the power
    and distract public attention to external pressure in the upcoming
    autumn the election slogan about the military and political dominance
    of Azerbaijan may turn into a target, and a war slogan.
