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Giving back through his art: Yuri Gevorgian

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  • Giving back through his art: Yuri Gevorgian

    The Free Lance-Star, VA
    July 9 2005

    Giving back through his art

    This Yuroz oil on panel will be shown for the first time tonight in
    Stafford during a visit by the artist, Yuri Gevorgian.
    Click for larger photo.

    Yuri Gevorgian, also known as Yuroz, will share his cubist art and
    views on the world at a private reception in Stafford.


    He's mentioned in the same breath as Picasso, but the artist he has
    the most in common with might be Bono.

    He's passionate about art, and even more passionate about human

    Yuri Gevorgian, a one-time refugee and homeless person who is known
    as Yuroz in the art world, will talk about both topics when he's in
    town tonight for a private show at the home of Tia and Robert Cadow
    in the Japazaws area of Stafford County.

    He's considered the finest living cubist, his work often compared to

    He's a man of rare charisma and drive who has become something of a
    rising star on the international political scene in promoting the
    cause of human rights for the United Nations.

    Like U2 lead singer Bono, who campaigns for economic relief for poor
    nations, Gevorgian believes he has a responsibility to use his
    celebrity for positive political effect.

    As news of the London terror attack spread Thursday morning,
    Gevorgian said he doesn't envy the job President Bush and other world
    leaders faced at the G-8 Summit in Scotland, completed yesterday.

    "If I had the solution," Gevorgian said about terrorism, "I would
    probably be president."

    "Unfortunately, there have always been religious fanatics," he said.
    "And I don't believe only the Muslim side is fanatical. The
    Christians went on crusades and wiped out countries centuries ago."

    Gevorgian, 49, said world leaders are going to have to bring about a
    fundamental change in the way people think to achieve peace.

    Acts of terror are "going to happen the rest of our lives until
    something brings people together so we stop emphasizing differences
    because you're Muslim or you're Christian and create a political
    environment that, instead of concentrating on killing, concentrates
    on building."

    In his own way, Gevorgian is already creating that kind of positive
    effect through his artwork and his good works for various causes.

    His own life has provided insight into the plight of the politically
    repressed and the economically depressed.

    Gevorgian grew up in a lower-middle-class family in Armenia.

    "We never suffered for food, from terrorist attacks, from war," he
    said. "I had a good childhood."

    But the Soviet government had a way of making its critics disappear.
    And a friend of his father was in politics and would come to the
    Gevorgian house at night to discuss the situation.

    His parents had survived communist elimination of "enemies of the
    state" in Armenia. They feared and hated Soviet control.

    "They would get together to talk in the next room," he said, and he
    would overhear the political discussions when they thought he was

    "It was like they were injecting me [with interest in] things
    happening in the world," he said. "The next thing you know, you're
    questioning. Why did this guy go to prison when he didn't do
    anything? He just disappears. You end up questioning the government."

    Prior to the 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall, he escaped to the West,
    leaving behind his family and friends to make his dream of coming to
    America come true.

    He said art thrives only in a free society.

    For two years he was homeless on the streets of Los Angeles, but he
    scraped together money for art supplies and painted. And when he
    began to sell his work, he quickly moved up in the world.

    Once he lifted himself up, he started giving back to causes including
    the homeless, human rights and the fight against leukemia.

    United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour
    picked Gevorgian to create a series of commemorative stamps issued
    worldwide as part of its Campaign for Freedom. He had previously done
    a mural and stamps for the United Nations titled "Respect for

    He made no conscious decision to become a social and political

    "You don't choose the path," he said. "It sort of chooses you and you
    just go with it."

    He said he has the opportunity to do what he loves to do: to sit in
    his Los Angeles studio and read books and talk about his favorite
    philosophers and paint.

    His wealthy clients are passionate about his work.

    And when one is in that kind of position, one cannot, in good
    conscience, simply make art and make money, he said.

    He said he sees himself as a monk who uses art to reach people and
    effect positive change.

    "I believe art is an incredible, beautiful religion," he said. "When
    I paint, it's me and my vision of the world. You become some sort of
    a preacher."

    Gevorgian said anyone in any sort of creative job "has a chance to
    reach someone somewhere and make a change. And when you have that
    chance, you are obligated to do it."

    And, he said, all of us, as individuals, have a responsibility to

    "You need to take an active role in everything," he said. "There are
    so many challenges, and it's OK, as long as we are acknowledging it
    and doing something about it, it will be fine.

    "How do we raise the consciousness of the human race? How do we live
    with religious differences? It's all about surviving on this planet
    and prospering."

    Aside from human rights, another issue he cares greatly about is the

    "I have kids," he said. "I want my kids to have a better environment
    to live in."

    But he said the international community is wrong to point the finger
    of blame at the United States for the failure of the G-8 Summit to
    produce a binding agreement on global warming.

    "I don't believe the United States is the key to the problem," he
    said. "The governments of China and India have somehow escaped
    everyone's attention."

    The United States, he said, does more than any other country to work
    toward technological solutions to environmental problems.

    "Because we can do so much, the rest of the world expects us to do
    more than anyone else," he said.

    He said changes in environmental law can have massive impacts on any
    nation's economy.

    "It's a matter of finding balance," he said, both economically and

    Gevorgian said G-8 summit meetings are "basically symbolic" and that
    it's going to take individual commitments from billions of people,
    along with scientific breakthroughs, to clean up the environment. He
    said both individuals and corporations must take steps to improve the
    environment, not because Big Brother is watching, but because it's
    the right thing to do.

    Tonight's cozy, private show in Stafford is unusual for Gevorgian,
    who normally does events attended by 400 or 500 collectors.

    He's doing it because the Cadows are longtime collectors and good
    friends. Their collection, which includes a Picasso, boasts six
    Gevorgian/Yuroz works.

    Gevorgian said he's looking forward to the intimacy of tonight's

    Normally "it's very tense and you spend 30 seconds with each person,"
    he said.

    "This is a wonderful opportunity for me to talk to a lot of people.

    "To me, as a 'monk,' it charges me," he said. "You exchange some
    ideas, exchange positive energy."

    He will be bringing 22 of his most recent works that have never been
    shown, including a piece done specially for tonight.

    He said he wouldn't mind changing the way some people think about
    world affairs tonight. But he said he paints "not for global change,"
    but in the hope "I can change two, three, four people."

    Gevorgian said all his paintings have something to do with romance,
    tranquility, with giving the viewer, regardless of nationality,
    religious or ethnic background, a feeling of peace.

    "I don't want you to think when you look at my paintings, I want you
    to feel, to get excited," he said.

    The goal is to transfer that feeling to other things in life, he
    said, "to appreciate your art, your music, your loved one, the glass
    of wine you have, the woman you have."

    "He's so full of life, full of love," said hostess Tia Cadow.

    "He's very sensual," she said in explaining what fascinates her about
    Yuroz's work. "He's very into the relationship between a man and
    woman, and the love and the bond, and it's reflected in his
    paintings. You're drawn into the pieces."

    Beth Gipt, who owns Legacy Fine Art, said of Yuroz's work: "It just
    wraps you up as a human being, like making love or giving a gift or
    dancing or singing or writing a song. He's passionate. He's

    Gipt compared tonight's gathering with Yuroz to "partying with

    On the "invitation piece," a man is holding a guitar and a woman is
    next to him with a canary and a pomegranate.

    The fruit symbolizes fertility, Gevorgian said, and sexuality. In his
    work, the guitar is symbolic of creative energy, he said. And the
    canary, he said, stands for nature, for gentleness and fragility.

    Put those symbols together, he said, and the viewer feels a creative
    energy, a peaceful energy, a healing energy "that changes your
    vision, the way you look at life."

    The hope, he said, is that his art will cause people "to get excited
    about life and go out and do something positive."