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BOOKS: An Armenian's vision of the Earth's fate

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  • BOOKS: An Armenian's vision of the Earth's fate

    New Straits Times, Malaysia
    July 10 2005

    BOOKS: An Armenian's vision of the Earth's fate
    Pravin Karunaivell

    JULY 11:

    TITLE: "... and then I saw Him!"
    AUTHOR: Rev Samuel Doctorian
    Reviewed by Pravin Karunaivell

    A TSUNAMI hitting Asia, skyscrapers in New York tum
    bling, destruction in the city of London, millions dying in
    China and India, the Nile drying up and dead fish all over
    Egypt, floods throughout Canada and North America. And no
    United Nations.

    Now imagine this: angels, in all their glory, on Earth; and
    someone, somewhere on the island of Patmos, getting a visit
    from them in 1998.

    Seven years ago, someone actually knew about all these
    incidences - some have eerily enough, occurred in recent

    Dr Samuel Doctorian, in his book `... and then I saw Him',
    says five angels visited him and revealed things that would
    happen in the five continents they represented. One angel
    told him that there would be disasters, starvation, many
    deaths from hunger. The prediction included strong winds
    like none seen before, earthquakes and the land going under
    the sea.

    Do some of these predictions sound familiar?
    Doctorian feels he was told about the Dec 26 tsunami last
    year and even the disastrous 9/11 happenings in New York.
    And now, the latest ... the multiple bombings in the heart of
    London which tore apart trains and peeled the top off a
    double decker bus, massacring at least 37 people and
    wounding 700 in the worst peacetime attack on Britain.
    The past 10 years has seen more disasters than any other
    in history.

    One can see the natural disasters as either the natural
    course of things or look deeper into the phenomenon. Is there
    a divine message for us in all these tragedies?

    Doctorian, who claims to have seen nine angels in all, feels
    the disasters are God's way of telling us to prepare for the
    future. But who is this Doctorian?

    An Armenian, he is the founder and International Director
    of the Bible Land Mission. He was born in a refugee camp in
    Lebanon in 1930 and raised in Jerusalem.

    At 16, while working as a shoemaker, he heard the voice of
    God calling him to leave his shoemaking work and go into the
    ministry. Doctorian heeded the call and has never looked
    back since.

    The 75-year-old has travelled to 126 countries, spreading
    the Gospel of Christ and the revelations of the five angels. He
    is married and has five children and six grandchildren.
    The book also tells readers of another episode while flying
    to Brussels when an angel visited Doctorian as fire threat
    ened to spread from an engine to the rest of the aircraft.
    `Suddenly one of the engines exploded. Everyone on that
    plane was praying, believers and non-believer alike. They
    were terrified.' Doctorian says he found a quiet spot and
    cried to God for help.

    `A hand gripped my shoulder and I thought it was the pilot
    or stewardess, but I saw no one near me. Yet I still felt the
    hand strongly grip my shoulder. Then I heard a voice say,
    `Samuel, I shall save you and everyone on this plane. I shall
    deliver you from this fire.'

    Everyone on that plane, including Doctorian and his family,

    The author also speaks of a woman facing the death
    sentence for a crime she did not commit and how an angel
    revealed the identity of the actual criminal.
    Not sure what you think about this man?

    Doctorian himself will be in Malaysia to share his ex
    periences at the Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre on Sept
    22. His visit is in conjunction with efforts to raise funds for the
    Trinity Community Centre building project.

    Those interested can contact TCC for reservations at
    03-7784-2839 or

    `... and then I saw Him' is also available at RM28 at TCC.
    Whether you believe what he says or not, the book makes for
    an interesting read.

    It may give some the creeps but is, nevertheless, food for

    EXCERPTS from `... and then I saw Him'

    FIRST ANGEL (ASIA): `I am the angel of Asia,' he said.
    Then the angel said, `There shall be disaster, starvation -
    many will die from hunger. Strong winds will be loosened like
    never happened. A great part shall be shaken and destroyed.
    Earthquakes all over will take place. The sea will cover the
    earth. ... Australia will be divided, destroyed. Great part will
    go under the ocean.

    SECOND ANGEL (MIDDLE EAST): `I saw nuclear weapons
    used in many of those countries. Smoke rising from ev
    erywhere. Sudden destruction and men will destroy one
    another. I saw the United Nations shall be broken to pieces
    because of the crisis in the Middle East. There shall be no
    more United Nations.'

    THIRD ANGEL (EUROPE): `Suddenly I heard earthquakes
    all over Europe. Countries that had no earthquakes before
    shall be shaken,' said the angel. Suddenly I saw the Eiffel
    Tower in Paris crumbling, falling down. Great part of Ger
    many destroyed. Great city of London, destruction every
    where. I saw floods all over Scandinavia. I looked to the south
    of Europe. I saw Spain and Portugal passing through great
    hunger and great disasters.'

    FOURTH ANGEL (AFRICA): I saw the River Nile drying.
    Fishes dead, stinking all over Egypt. Great part of the middle
    of Africa shall be covered with water, millions drowned.'

    market collapsing with mighty earthquakes in New York. The
    skyscrapers tumbling ... Great part of north Brazil covered
    with water, the Amazon River turning to a great sea... Forests
    destroyed and flooded, major cities in Brazil destroyed ...