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Patriarch Visits Plovdiv Armenian Community

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  • Patriarch Visits Plovdiv Armenian Community

    Lraper Church Bulletin 11/07/2005
    Contact: Deacon Vagharshag Seropyan
    Armenian Patriarchate
    TR-34130 Kumkapi, Istanbul
    T: +90 (212) 517-0970, 517-0971
    F: +90 (212) 516-4833, 458-1365
    [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>
    [email protected] <>


    His Beatitude Mesrob II, Armenian Patriarch of Istanbul and All Turkey,
    left Istanbul on Saturday 25 June 2005 for Plovdiv in Bulgaria in order
    to preside over the 75th birthday, 50th anniversary of priestly
    ordination and 45th anniversary of episcopal ordination of His Grace
    Archbishop Dirayr Mardigyan of Romania and Bulgaria.

    Having said the pilgrimage prayer in the Holy Mother of God Patriarchal
    Church in Kumkapi, the Patriarch travelled by car, accompanied by the
    Reverend Fathers John Whooley and Drtad Uzunyan. The Very Revd. Fr.
    Yeghishe Uchkunyan had already left for Plovdiv on Friday 24 June by
    bus, heading a group of 90 pilgrims, members of the Surp Takavor
    Armenian Church Choir and their families.

    His Beatitude was met at the Bulgarian border by the Very Revd. Fr.
    Yeghishe Uchkunyan, the Vice-Chairman of the Armenian Diocesan Council
    of Bulgaria Yeghyazar Uzunyan, and Mgrdic Sertsimsek, an Armenian
    benefactor from Istanbul.

    His Beatitude and his entourage were then invited to lunch at a
    restaurant in the city of Svilengrad in Bulgaria by the Diocesan
    Council. The group arrived in Plovdiv around 16:00 hours and checked
    into the Novotel where they were to stay overnight. His Beatitude was
    met at the entrance of the hotel by His Grace the Armenian Archbishop of
    Romania and Bulgaria and by Bedros Sirinoglu, the Chairman of the Board
    of Administrators of Surp Prgic Armenian Hospital in Yedikule, Istanbul.

    At 19:00 hours, the Patriarch was taken on a short tour of the city of
    Plovdiv, visited Pinarcik Hill with its magnificent panorama of the city
    and its environs and then visited the Armenian Cemetery in Plovdiv,
    where he visited the Saint John the Baptist Chapel and said a prayer for
    the repose of the souls of all deceased believers before the monument of
    the Armenian Martyrs.

    At 20:00 hours, His Beatitude joined Archbishop Dirayr for an official
    dinner, attended by the Very Revd. Fr. Yeghishe Uchkunyan, the Reverend
    Fr. John Whooley, the Reverend Fr. Drtad Uzunyan, the Revd. Archpriest
    Kevork Khatcheryan of Plovdiv, Mr and Mrs Yeghyazar and Victoria
    Uzunyan, Mr and Mrs Bedros and Leda Shirinoglu and Mr Mgrdic Sertsimsek.

    The Divine Liturgy and the Following Celebration
    The services in the historic Armenian Church in the old quarter of
    Plovdiv began at 09:00 hours on Sunday, 26 June 2005. His Beatitude the
    Patriarch presided over the services, while Fr. Yeghishe Uchkunyan
    offered the Holy Eucharist. Participating were Archbishop Dirayr
    Mardigyan, the other clergymen, the Ambassador of the Republic of
    Armenia in Sofia, His Excellency Sergei Manasaryan, the pilgrims from
    Istanbul and members of the Armenian community of Plovdiv.

    The hymns during the liturgy were sung by the members of the Surp
    Takavor Church Choir, conducted by Sevan Shencan. His Beatitude
    delivered a homily mentioning the week of fasting which preceded the
    Feast of the Holy Transfiguration of Christ our Lord. He then offered
    some considerations on the great confession of Saint Peter the Apostle
    at Caesarea Philippi. Answering the Lord's question, "Who do you say I
    am?", Saint Peter the Apostle replied: "You are the Christ, the Son of
    the living God" (Matthew 16:15). The Lord answered, "On this rock I will
    build my church..." (v. 16:18). At the end of his homily, reminding
    those present of the anniversaries celebrated, His Beatitude made a
    public tribute to Archbishop Dirayr's long years of service to God, to
    the Church and the Armenian people and wished him happiness and good
    health for many more years to come.

    The Patriarchal Bull of His Holiness Catholicos Karekin II of All
    Armenians was brought in and His Beatitude Patriarch Mesrob solemnly
    read it from the bema. Archbishop Dirayr then thanked Catholicos Karekin
    II and Patriarch Mesrob II for the honour they had given him and
    recalled the memory of the former primates of the Diocese, Bishop
    Ghevont Turyan, Archbishop Stepanos Hovagimyan, Bishop Yervant
    Perdahciyan and Bishop Kusan Garabetyan, who had all served under the
    aegis of the Armenian Patriarchs of Constantinople, being not far from
    the metropolis. To conclude this part of the service, Patriarch Mesrob
    blessed and dismissed the faithful.

    The Patriarch then visited the little museum of church artefacts
    adjacent to the Armenian Church of Plovdiv, following which he presided
    over the luncheon at the cultural centre in the same complex. Armenian
    children and youths had prepared an outstanding cultural programme that
    consisted of poetry, folk dancing and songs which received an
    enthusiastic ovation from the full hall.

    Archbishop Dirayr Mardigyan delivered a humorous speech and then
    presented benefactors Bedros Sirinoglu, Mgrdic Sertsimsek and the Revd.
    Fr. Drtad Uzunyan with gifts of original paintings from Plovdiv. The
    concluding speech was delivered by the Patriarch who invited Archbishop
    Dirayr Mardigyan to Istanbul in order to celebrate his anniversaries
    there as well. His Beatitude also presented Yeghyazar Uzunyan (Chairman
    of the Plovdiv Parish Council and Vice-Chairman of the Diocesan
    Council), Hripsime Tovmasyan (teacher of the children and the youths who
    had performed), and the Revd. Archpriest Kevork Khatcheryan of Plovdiv
    with Armenian language books published in Istanbul.

    The Patriarch then took a stroll through the streets of old Plovdiv,
    visiting antique shops and church suppliers'. After a short rest at the
    hotel, he returned to his see in Istanbul by car.