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NKR: Surprised By Lenmarker's Statement

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  • NKR: Surprised By Lenmarker's Statement


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    12 July 05

    The public and political circles of Nagorno Karabakh Republic were
    surprised by and satisfied with the statement of the reporter of the
    OSCE Parliamentary Assembly on Nagorno Karabakh Goran Lenmarker that
    the unification with Armenia is the best guarantee for the security of
    Nagorno Karabakh. The people of Karabakh who have never heard a
    similar opinion from the mediators and the representatives of
    international organizations, and it seems to them that in the
    perception of the Karabakh issue by the international, more exactly
    the European community, certain changes which are positive for Nagorno
    Karabakh are taking place. Thus, according to the chairman of the
    standing committee for defence and security of the NKR National
    Assembly Rudolf Martirossian, the statement of the Swedish
    parliamentarian is a longed-for surprise. He thinks in reference to
    the NKR security this statement is a logical way out of the present
    situation. `In fact, only the Republic of Armenia can guarantee
    thesecurity of the people of Nagorno Karabakh. How and what mechanisms
    need to be used is another question. If I am not mistaken, this
    approach is introduced into the Bishkek agreement. Besides, NKR has
    not yet worked out a doctrine of defence and security of the
    country. In case such a doctrine is worked out, this postulate can
    take its place in the document,' told Rudolf Martirossian to the radio
    Liberty. The vice chairman of the NKR National Assembly standing
    committee for foreign relations Gagik Petrossian thinks that
    Lenmarker's statement is commendable in the sense that Europe does not
    see NKR as part of Azerbaijan. According to him, this is a change in
    the perception of the Karabakh issue by Europe.` Armenia has been
    recognized by the international community. If Nagorno Karabakh is part
    of Armenia, it will be easier to present the interests of the Karabakh
    people to the international organizations. It is true that we have
    made more effort for the recognition of the independence of NKR. And I
    think that there is no difference between being independent and part
    of Armenia,' said G. Petrossian. Meanwhile, the idea of independence
    of NKR is unacceptable for Lenmarker and the representatives of other
    international organizations. In answer to the question if Lenmarker's
    statement about the probability of unification of NKR and Armenia
    signals to Stepanakert and Yerevan the necessity to change their
    policies, Rudolf Martirossian said, `The idea of unification with
    Armenia has always lived in the hearts of the Karabakh people. But I
    do not think that after this statement our political line will undergo
    a major change. However, I think that this statement will result in
    new tendencies of development.=80=9D Gagik Petrossian noticed that
    unification is not a subject of manipulations but a goal. `But I also
    have to say that in case of unification with Armenia NKR needs to have
    a higher status that any of the regions of the Republic of Armenia.I
    cannot tell whether it will be autonomy or something else. One thing
    is for sure that the status of Nagorno Karabakh must be high until
    Armenia finally becomes a developed democratic country,' said the vice
    chairman of the standing committee for foreign relations.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress