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ANKARA: Aliyev condemns double standards in international politics

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  • ANKARA: Aliyev condemns double standards in international politics

    Azeri leader condemns double standards in international politics

    Star website, Istanbul
    4 Jul 05

    Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has spoken out against double
    standards with regard to Turkey and Azerbaijan in international
    politics. In an interview with the Turkish newspaper Star, Aliyev
    described the world community's position on the Nagornyy Karabakh
    problem as hypocrisy, saying that international law works immediately
    when some nations are concerned and remains silent when it comes to
    Azerbaijan and Turkey. He said that Azerbaijan will never accept the
    independence of Nagornyy Karabakh and has enough military power to put
    an end to the occupation of its territory by Armenia. Speaking about
    the forthcoming November parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan,
    President Aliyev pledged to continue democratic reforms and ensure
    free and fair elections. The following is the text of unattributed
    report by Turkish newspaper Star website on 4 July headlined "Aliyev's
    ultimatum to Yerevan". Subheadings as published:

    Aliyev referred to the territory occupied by Armenia and said: "There
    is no more time. We are losing our patience. They will either reach an
    agreement and they will withdraw or our army will drive them away."
    Aliyev criticized the world countries for two things: They use double
    standards regarding issues, to which Turkey is a side.

    When I met Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev at the reception hall of
    the Presidential Palace in Baku, it was possible to see that he had
    come out of a tense meeting during which the country's national
    security problems had been discussed.

    This 45-year-old statesman, who has been closely following world
    politics since the day he inherited the presidency of the Azerbaijani
    Republic from his father Heydar Aliyev who is described as "the
    founding president," began to feel comfortable only after my third

    As the interview continued I saw before me a cheerful president who
    has made his homework properly, who has profound knowledge about the
    developments that occur in the region, who is determined to maintain
    the balances that were established by the late Heydar Aliyev, who is
    very close to Turkey, and who has shaped his programme regarding the

    After this introduction I will merely enable Ilham Aliyev speak. Here
    is the interview.

    Oil is not everything

    [Star] The honourable Aliyev, Azerbaijan waged a struggle for its
    independence not so long ago - as a matter of fact, only 16 years
    ago. And today Azerbaijan is seen as one of the most strategic
    countries in the world. Many people believe that this success story
    merely stems from the fact that Azerbaijan has oil. Do you believe
    that oil is the only reason for Azerbaijan's success?

    [Aliyev] No. There is oil in many countries. If a country has oil,
    this does not mean that it is a country of strategic importance. Our
    strategic importance has increased due to our location and due to the
    fact that we are consistently getting stronger. As our founder Heydar
    Aliyev used to say, we live with Turkey as "one nation and two
    states". Our policies are based on this principle. Turkey and
    Azerbaijan should resolve their economic problems and they should get
    stronger together. This is very important and the world therefore
    closely follows these efforts. With its 18-per-cent growth rate,
    Azerbaijan is the fastest developing country in the world. The
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum natural gas
    pipeline, and the Baku-Kars railway - there is no doubt that the
    implementation of these projects is strengthening us in the
    region. The region has reached a point, where no project can be
    realized without the inclusion of Turkey and Azerbaijan. It is
    impossible to do anything without the approval of Turkey and
    Azerbaijan. This is our power.

    Our army is very strong

    [Star] I will use here the concept of fraternal partnership, rather
    than strategic partnership because the latter is used in many
    places. How will the fraternal partnership between Turkey and
    Azerbaijan affect the Nagornyy Karabakh issue?

    [Aliyev] Time is working in our favour in Nagornyy Karabakh that has
    been occupied by Armenia primarily and is Azerbaijani territory. The
    developments are auspicious for Azerbaijan. Compared with 11 years
    ago, Azerbaijan has a stronger economy. It has established stability
    at home. It is a developing country whose financial resources increase
    every passing day. This is also reflected on our war power. With the
    great support of the Turkish armed forces, Azerbaijan currently has
    the strongest army in the South Caucasus. Our army is capable of
    putting an end to the occupation of its territory single-handedly. We
    are purchasing the necessary ammunition for our army every year and we
    are making efforts to ensure that it gets stronger. Despite this,
    however, Armenia's economy has collapsed. It has imprisoned itself
    within its own territory due to the policies that it has pursued. It
    is a small and weak country that causes pain and suffering for its
    people. It knows that it is no longer able to compete with Azerbaijan
    in the economic or military fields. We currently continue to hold
    talks with them because we believe that there is some hope. It should
    be known, however, that there is a limit to the patience of the
    Azerbaijani people.

    [Star] In fact we are talking about a cease-fire that was announced 11
    years ago. In other words, the conditions of war have not vanished. On
    the contrary, the war still continues. If the Armenians sabotage the
    efforts to find a solution, will Azerbaijan prefer to say the last
    word in the war field?

    [Aliyev] We are determined to make peaceful efforts in the
    international community for putting an end to the occupation. We are
    determined to make these efforts to the end because we have waged a
    war and we know how much nations lose as a result of wars. This does
    not mean, however, that we will remain spectators to the fact that
    Azerbaijani territory is under occupation. International law is on our
    side, but for one reason or another it is working very slowly against
    us. Let me give you an example: You know about the problems related to
    Abkhazia and Ossetia in Georgia. Both issues resemble the Karabakh
    issue in terms of ethnic separatism. The world does not recognize
    these separatist movements where Georgia is concerned and it is
    displaying great sensitivity in order to ensure that the territorial
    integrity of the Georgian state is maintained. And this is the right
    thing to do. The world demands that we accept the illegal situation in
    Karabakh and that we sacrifice our lands. Why? I can only assess this
    as double standards.

    [Star] Maybe, this is hypocrisy.

    [Aliyev] Yes, hypocrisy. This is an unjust world. For one reason or
    another, international justice works immediately where some nations
    are concerned, and it remains silent where we are
    concerned. Karabakh's independence is unthinkable. We cannot give up
    Azerbaijani territory. This is also unthinkable. We will not accept
    this just because several dishonourable politicians from the Armenian
    lobby suggest this. Currently we are strong enough to wage a war and
    to put an end to this occupation. If the problem is not resolved
    through peaceful means, we will not hesitate to use our military
    power. The Armenians do not have a lot of time to reach a decision in
    this regard. They will either reach an agreement and they will
    withdraw, or our army will drive them away.

    [Star] Turkey and Azerbaijan appear to share the same fate where the
    hypocrisy displayed by the world is concerned. International law is
    not applied where the Turks are concerned.

    [Aliyev] You are quite right. Look at Turkey. Despite the fact that it
    is right it is not able to explain the Cyprus issue to the world. This
    does not mean that Turkey is unable to explain the issue. The other
    side does not want to understand. Look at us. I am the one whose
    territory has been occupied. The w orld comes to me and says that I
    should respect the rights of the occupier and that I should accept
    what it says. International law either does not work or works very
    slowly where the Turks are concerned. This is nothing, but hypocrisy
    towards the Turks.

    Democracy will get stronger

    [Star] In addition to all this, discussions on democracy are being
    held in your country in the light of the elections to the National
    Assembly that will be held on 4 November [actually 6
    November]. Azerbaijan deepened its independence during the term of
    your father Heydar Aliyev. Will it be able to deepen its democracy
    during your term?

    [Aliyev] We continue to make democratic reforms. Azerbaijan has been a
    member of the Council of Europe for the past four year and we have
    very close contacts with the EU. We are working together with Europe
    for democratization. This is a very appropriate question. Azerbaijan
    primarily focused on strengthening its independence. This process has
    begun in 1996 and has reached these days. The late Heydar Aliyev
    primarily established stability and he turned independence into real
    independence. This and the ties that we established with Europe have
    strengthened our independence. Currently it is time to strengthen
    democracy. Let no-one be concerned. The 4 November elections will be
    held before the eyes of the entire world and they will be
    just. Everyone knows, however, that democracy does not work properly
    in poor countries that have grave social problems. For a healthy
    democracy there is a need for a strong economy that will obstruct
    radicalism. This is what we are after. The more we strengthen
    Azerbaijan's economy and the more we resolve its social problems, the
    more Azerbaijan's democracy will get stronger.

    [Star] Currently, however, you believe that the strengthening of
    democracy does not constitute a threat to the stability in Azerbaijan.

    [Aliyev] Of course. On the contrary, the development of Azerbaijan's
    democracy will lead to the improvement of the economy. Our people will
    utilize their free investment means in this free environment. It is
    therefore impossible to give up democracy. On the contrary, we aim to
    develop democracy in all fields.

    We sympathize with Tayyip Erdogan

    [Star] As far as I understand you speak the same language with Prime
    Minister Tayyip Erdogan, whom you have hosted recently.

    [Aliyev] We are speaking the same language with Prime Minister Erdogan
    in every field. We feel personal sympathy towards him and we have a
    dialogue. We regularly hold consultations on the phone, even if we
    cannot talk face to face. Every time I visit European countries, I am
    pleased to see that Erdogan is praised in these countries and that he
    is considered very charismatic by these countries. We have just
    received the information notes of his last visit to the United States
    and we can see that the visit to the United States was very successful
    from all aspects. Prime Minister Erdogan and I are determined to exert
    utmost efforts in order to strengthen the brotherhood between Turkey
    and Azerbaijan and in order to ensure that the two countries become a
    power centre in terms of the entire world.

    Oil for Special Prices

    [Star] At a time when the price of oil has exceeded 60 US dollars,
    will you take action in order to alleviate the new loads loaded by the
    increasing oil prices on the Turkish economy? In other words, will you
    sell Turkey oil for cheap prices, honourable president?

    [Aliyev] (Laughing) The oil and natural gas agreements that we have
    signed with Turkey are based on very special prices. The international
    oil prices are meaningless where relations between Turkey and
    Azerbaijan are concerned. This was so when the price of oil stood at
    eight US dollars and this is so when the price of oil is 60
    dollars. Our brothers in Turkey should not be too concerned about the
    oil prices.