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ANKARA: Contacts with Armenia Continue

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  • ANKARA: Contacts with Armenia Continue

    Zaman, Turkey
    July 13 2005

    Contacts with Armenia Continue
    By Zaman
    Published: Wednesday July 13, 2005

    Since activities against Turkey have been intensified within the
    frame of the 90th year of the so-called Armenian genocide, the
    anticipated meeting between Turkish and Armenian leaders has not
    taken place; however, mutual contacts are still continuing.

    There has been no progress in the process initiated in April in a
    letter by Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan to Armenian President
    Robert Kocharian, however, diplomats from both countries are
    continuing their efforts to normalize bilateral relations again. Two
    diplomats from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs have come
    together with their Armenian counterparts in a European country. In
    the meeting, the Turkish party has once again presented their
    proposals for normalization. These proposals are reportedly being
    evaluated by the Yerevan administration. Namik Tan, a Turkish Foreign
    Ministry spokesperson, replied to a question regarding the talks by
    pointing out that contacts with the Armenian party occur at various
    levels, between the foreign ministers in particular, have long been
    taking place on international and other platforms. ''Regional matters
    concerning both countries are being handled in these contacts.''
    Ankara wants relations to return to normal by asking Yerevan to quit
    its allegations of genocide, to remove expressions in the
    Constitution condemning Turkey and to withdraw from the Upper Karabag
    (Karabakh), a region it has been occupying. Turkey had previously
    made the decision of not writing a new letter upon Kocharian's
    attitude in his reply to Erdogan.