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Minsk Group to Propose Key Elements of Conflict Settlement

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  • Minsk Group to Propose Key Elements of Conflict Settlement


    15 July 05

    It's Too Early to Speak of Final Document

    Late in the evening on July 13, the Minsk group co-chairs arrived in
    capital city of Stepanakert in Nagorno Karabakh after a six months'
    break. As the Russian co-chairman put it, the aim of the visit is to
    find out "how the cards laid".

    The meeting with Nagorno Karabakh president Arkady Ghukasian was held
    in two stages with the participation of foreign minister Arman
    Melikian. Co-chairs Yuri Merzlyakov (Russia), Steven Mann (USA) and
    Bernard Fassie (France) answered journalists questions after the first
    part of negotiations ended.

    Merzlyakov, in particular, said that the Minsk group has already
    presented its suggestions and has nothing new to propose. "This is a
    process of negotiations, and it should not be expected that anything
    new from one of us. One has to understand that this is diplomacy. Our
    proposals to Armenian and Azeri presidents at the Warsaw meeting came
    not only on our behalf but also on behalf of the countries in
    chair. Now, we are working over these proposals. The sides have
    discussed them and arrived at certain conclusions. A task was set to
    continue negotiations over those issues. If you want to know what
    issues I mean then I cannot tell you. The only thing I can tell is
    that they are the key elements of future resolution", the Russian
    co-chairman said.

    How close are the sides to signing a document? Merzlyakov answered,
    "If it is merely a document on a joint announcement by the sides, then
    they are close to that. But if you mean a document on settling the
    Karabakh conflict, then they are too far from it as yet because months
    are needed to draw it up".

    American co-chair Steven Mann added, "There are tendencies of progress
    as regards principals, but there are also aspects on which the sides
    have not agreed. We think that the spirit of the talks and the
    relations between the sides are positive, and it helps the process

    French co-chair, on his part, said that this is a necessary stage of
    negotiations to get ready to settle all technical and model details on
    experts' level.

    To daily Azg's question as to what the co-chairs think about a
    referendum to decide the status of Nagorno Karabakh, Merzlyakov said,
    "I heard only about one publication on this issue and interestingly in
    Baku with a reference to an Armenian official. The co-chairs base on
    the agreement of the sides over keeping the issues discussed under
    wraps, and we strive to remain faithful to that agreement. If an
    official leaked a word, try to find out why it happened. We cannot
    answer that question".

    A few days ago the mass media voiced a settlement alternative
    according to which the sides "have already agreed on many issues" and
    they are working "on final points". A high-ranking official in
    diplomatic circles noted that today's situation in the talks "reminds
    the stage in Key West talks when everybody thought the agreement is
    reached and the issue will be settled in near future".

    The diplomatic source stated that a referendum to be held in 10-15
    years can put an end to Karabakh issue enabling the Artsakhi people to
    decide their fate.

    The co-chairs confessed to have good impression from Baku visit. What
    are the impressions from meeting with president Arkady Ghukasian?
    Merzlyakov noted that he had an interesting conversation with the

    We failed to find out what were the impressions from the second stage
    of the talks as the journalists were warded off from the
    co-chairmen. According to Azg's information, the second part of the
    meeting between the NKR president and Minsk group co-chairs was held
    in informal atmosphere during which ideas and views on conflict
    settlement were exchanged.

    By Tatoul Hakobian in Stepanakert