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NKR: Refugees May Privatize Dormitories

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  • NKR: Refugees May Privatize Dormitories


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    14 July 05

    At its recent meeting the NKR government confirmed the procedure of
    privatization of the living space in former dormitories owned by the
    state-financed enterprises and communities by the displaced persons
    from Azerbaijan in 1988 1992, who got citizenship of NKR. The living
    space in dormitories, except in those belonging to state educational
    institutions are privatized free of charge by the refugees who became
    NKR citizens having lived there for more than three years. These
    persons have to submit an application and the permission of the adult
    members of the family living together in written form to the
    organization which runs the dormitory. The applicant should also
    attach to the application corresponding documents certifying that the
    applicant is a refugee, has got citizenship of NKR and has been living
    in the dormitory for more than 3 years. The body on privatization
    attends to the application within 15 days. According to the head of
    the Agency for Migration, Refugees and Re-settlement Pavel Najarian,
    this decision must improve the living conditions of refugees in the
    republic. "At last they will own some property. This is the first step
    of the programme by which the dormitories will be closed down. These
    buildings will be turned into apartments and provided to the
    refugees." At present, according to the head of the agency, 26
    families are living in dormitories. Mr. Najarian mentioned that the
    actual living space will be privatized; the corridors, kitchens and
    bathrooms will be communal. As to the 32 families of refugees living
    in student dormitories, they will move as well. One-storey detached
    houses will be built for them in the district of Ajapnyak in
