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BAKU: Azeri foreign minister says too early to talk about Karabakhac

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  • BAKU: Azeri foreign minister says too early to talk about Karabakhac

    Azeri foreign minister says too early to talk about Karabakh accord

    MPA news agency
    15 Jul 05

    Baku, 15 July: "It is too early to talk about any agreements as talks
    [on the Nagornyy Karabakh resolution] are continuing. However, I can
    assure you that the [negotiating] process is being held on the basis
    of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and the country's constitution,"
    Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has told journalists.

    He said that the world recognizes Nagornyy Karabakh as part of
    Azerbaijan and everything else is empty talk. Reports circulated by
    the Armenian media may be provocative or aim to test the waters. It
    cannot be ruled out that Armenia is trying to resolve its domestic
    problems in this way.

    The minister said that regardless of the outcome of talks between the
    [Azeri and Armenian] foreign ministers in Moscow, the Azerbaijani
    and Armenians presidents will meet in Kazan. The Azerbaijani foreign
    minister has given his consent to the meeting on 22 August and is
    waiting for Armenia's reply. Mammadyarov did not rule out signing a
    document at the Kazan meeting.

    In reply to journalists' questions, Mammadyarov stressed that opening
    communications [with Armenia] is being discussed as part of a package
    among nine points containing all elements of a future agreement. The
    talk is about the liberation of the occupied territories, return
    of refugees, rehabilitation of territories, restoration of the
    communications and deployment of peacekeeping forces. The removal
    of one of these elements may result in the breakdown of the entire
    structure. After fundamental problems have been resolved, issues
    of involvement of peacekeeping forces and their deployment will
    be discussed.

    Touching upon the possibility of Iran participating in the negotiating
    process as a mediator, the Azerbaijani foreign minister stressed
    that Iran is not a member of the [OSCE] Minsk Group. Mammadyarov
    believes that in order for talks to get under way between the Nagornyy
    Karabakh communities, the Azerbaijani community should first return
    to Nagornyy Karabakh, Lacin and other territories currently under
    occupation. "Azerbaijan wants to put an end to ethnic cleansing. This
    is where we stand and will stand," the Azerbaijani foreign minister