The draft constitutional amendments has already been sent to the
Venice Commission for final resolution. The Council of Europe urges
Armenia to submit to referendum the draft approved by the Venice
Commission. July 9-12 we asked 100 citizens what do they think about
the fact that the constitution reform is being carried out under the
immediate supervision of the commission.
54% of the respondents considers that Armenia should take into account
all the proposals by the Venice Commission. "If we joined the CoE we
should admit their rules", a young man said.
A 68-year-old man rates the proposals as positives and thinks that
with adopting them our country will become more democratic.
22% of those surveyed think that the Venice Commission must not
dictate how we should act. "How about our mentality, traditions
and customs? Why should our leadership follow every word of the
commission?" a man of 50 said.
24% of the respondents found difficulty in answering
To remind, the Venice Commission, in part, demanded elected post of
the Mayor of Yerevan, division of power and complete independence of
juridical bodies.
The draft constitutional amendments has already been sent to the
Venice Commission for final resolution. The Council of Europe urges
Armenia to submit to referendum the draft approved by the Venice
Commission. July 9-12 we asked 100 citizens what do they think about
the fact that the constitution reform is being carried out under the
immediate supervision of the commission.
54% of the respondents considers that Armenia should take into account
all the proposals by the Venice Commission. "If we joined the CoE we
should admit their rules", a young man said.
A 68-year-old man rates the proposals as positives and thinks that
with adopting them our country will become more democratic.
22% of those surveyed think that the Venice Commission must not
dictate how we should act. "How about our mentality, traditions
and customs? Why should our leadership follow every word of the
commission?" a man of 50 said.
24% of the respondents found difficulty in answering
To remind, the Venice Commission, in part, demanded elected post of
the Mayor of Yerevan, division of power and complete independence of
juridical bodies.