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C.I.S. Struggles for Cohesion

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  • C.I.S. Struggles for Cohesion

    C.I.S. Struggles for Cohesion

    The Power and Interest News Report (PINR)
    06 June 2005

    Report Drafted by Molly Corso

    At one point, political observers feared that the Commonwealth of
    Independent States (C.I.S.) was Moscow's way of preserving the Soviet
    Union. However, growing tensions within the alliance during the past two
    years prove Russia's leverage over the former Soviet republics is
    fragile at best. Perhaps the clearest example of Moscow's waning
    influence is the tangible rift between C.I.S. leaders after the tide of
    revolutions sweep through member states. Georgia, Ukraine, and Moldova
    are seeing fewer benefits from the alliance and are finding prospects
    outside of Moscow's sphere of influence more attractive.

    On June 3, the leaders of the C.I.S. countries met in Tbilisi for the
    latest summit meeting. Although the Georgian government hosted the
    event, there is little doubt that the country's role in the alliance is
    now all but symbolic.

    A Turbulent History

    It took a civil war and the Abkhaz conflict to convince Georgia in 1993
    to join the C.I.S. The alliance itself was created in 1991 by Russia,
    Ukraine, and Belarus. Originally, the stated purpose of the C.I.S. was
    to help the former Soviet republics cope with the breakup of the Soviet
    Empire. While Georgia flatly refused to sign up at its creation,
    Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze finally agreed to join nearly two
    years later in a bid to save the country from civil war and guarantee
    Russia's help in resolving the crisis in Abkhazia.

    The confederation was intended to ease the transition for former Soviet
    republics, or to create something akin to the European Union with one
    currency and free trade, as well as military support. However, Georgia's
    guiding motivation to join the alliance was centered on its conflicts
    with Abkhazia and South Ossetia, not an ideological common language with

    The basis for Georgia's role in the C.I.S. was the guarantee that Russia
    would help mediate the unsettled conflicts. Its involvement in the
    organization led to the current C.I.S. peacekeeping troops, all Russian,
    stationed 12 kilometers on either side of the disputed borders. But
    after more than ten years of negligible progress with either conflicts,
    Georgian politicians and opposition alike are forecasting the end of the

    Georgia's role in the C.I.S. since Georgian President Mikheil
    Saakashvili came to power has been characterized more by a series of
    scandals than by any level of cooperation. Relations were at an all time
    low during the meeting in August 2004; a dispute concerning the
    Russian-Abkhazian railroad project led presidents Saakashvili and Putin
    to spend the meeting arguing about Russia's interests in the disputed
    republic rather than discussing the C.I.S.' role in mediating the
    conflict. With Georgian-Russian relations strained over the Russian
    military base agreement in early May, it was no surprise that
    Saakashvili refused even to attend the informal C.I.S. summit in Moscow
    during the May 9 celebrations.

    A Precarious Future

    Despite the fact that the organization has stated new goals and
    conducted regional meetings, there is little to show for the time and
    energy put into the alliance. Originally branded a means for economic
    cooperation, C.I.S. countries have failed even to create the long
    anticipated free trade zone. By all reports, this zone was to begin in
    2005. During the latest summit in Tbilisi, members of the organization
    could not even agree to a 2012 deadline. Even more telling is the fact
    that member states, on the whole, trade less with one another than they
    do with Western powers like Germany and the United States.

    The ongoing conflicts within the former Soviet Union are another glaring
    example of the alliance's failures. In 1994, member states signed a
    "collective security treaty," which was designed as a military alliance
    intended to guarantee the peaceful end of regional conflicts, as well as
    to provide a united front against the growing concern of Western
    military involvement in the former Soviet Union. However, five years
    after its conception, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Uzbekistan refused to
    renew the treaty and left the military alliance, citing a complete lack
    of progress dealing with conflicts, as well as growing dissatisfaction
    with Moscow's policies.

    Tensions were obvious at the Tbilisi meeting as well, where the
    priorities of member states were clearly at odds. Conflict resolution
    aside, Georgia has also not received any clear economic benefit from the
    C.I.S. Although Tbilisi removed visa restrictions for Russian nationals,
    there is still a strict Russian visa regime in place against Georgia.
    The summit meeting in Tbilisi on June 3 was promoted as a forum for
    economic development; however, the president of the Russian delegation,
    Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov, could not make any promises that
    the Russian visa requirements would be lifted. During a press
    conference, he merely mentioned that negotiations concerning the issue
    are "not easy."

    While Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli expressed optimism that
    the alliance can still be viable, other Georgian politicians are
    questioning the future of the C.I.S. There was little Georgian
    involvement in issues discussed at the summit; out of 34 treaties
    presented, the Georgian leadership signed nine. That degree of
    inactivity is in sharp contrast to the enthusiasm Georgia exhibits
    toward N.A.T.O. A Georgian delegation met with N.A.T.O. representatives
    in Brussels last month; while N.A.T.O. officials were more cautious,
    Irakli Okruashvili, the Georgian defense minister, was confident
    Georgia's rapidly paced military reforms would lead to N.A.T.O.
    membership in as little as three years.

    Georgia is not the only C.I.S. member considering other, more
    Western-oriented, alliances. After two years of velvet revolutions
    throughout the former Soviet space, the C.I.S. is now struggling to
    bring together radically different governments. Even Russian President
    Vladimir Putin tried in March to downplay the importance of the
    organization, saying it had been merely a means of ensuring a "civilized
    divorce" for the former Soviet republics. However, after more than a
    decade of summit meetings and unimplemented treaties, members are
    increasingly looking toward N.A.T.O. and the E.U. as a means to achieve
    their goal of integration with a post-communist world.

    There is also a growing ideology gap between the governments of the
    member states. With the leader of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, "the
    last dictator in Europe," at one end and pro-Western presidents like
    Saakashvili on the other, the alliance is stretched to the breaking point.


    While the C.I.S. purportedly represents 12 of the 15 former republics,
    Russia has always been the deciding force behind the organization;
    during its nearly 14 years of existence, the president of the C.I.S. has
    always been either from Russia or Belarus. The relationship between
    Georgia and the C.I.S. has always been a reflection of the larger
    Russian-Georgian relationship. Now, since the Russian military bases are
    beginning the withdrawal process, the Georgian leadership is noting the
    tension within the C.I.S. but has expressed some mild hope for its
    future. However, if relations with Russia sour further, the call for
    Georgia to leave the C.I.S. will be louder and will carry more political

    The Power and Interest News Report (PINR) is an independent organization
    that utilizes open source intelligence to provide conflict analysis
    services in the context of international relations. PINR approaches a
    subject based upon the powers and interests involved, leaving the moral
    judgments to the reader. nguage_id=1