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Azeri diplomat says OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs visit "effective"

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  • Azeri diplomat says OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs visit "effective"

    Azeri diplomat says OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs visit "effective"

    Turan news agency
    18 Jul 05

    Baku, 18 July: [Azerbaijani] Deputy Foreign Minister Araz Azimov today
    gave a press conference on the results of the visits to Azerbaijan
    and Armenia by the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen.

    He said that the meetings held by the co-chairmen in Baku were
    "effective and fruitful". "All aspects and issues were discussed,"
    Azimov noted. At the same time, he described the negotiating process as
    "hard and complicated".

    "One cannot say that agreements were reached. Azerbaijan demonstrated
    a constructive position in all meetings. We would like the opposing
    side to be constructive too, otherwise whatever has been achieved
    will be lost," Azimov said.

    Azimov described Armenia's position on some issues as non-constructive
    altogether. "Lately, Armenia has been engaging in numerous disputes
    and speculation. A peace treaty meeting the interests of only one
    side is impossible," Azimov said.

    He said that the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers are
    expected to meet in Moscow on 23 August in order to prepare the meeting
    between their presidents to be held in Kazan on 26 August. Azimov said
    that the Armenian side is trying to introduce "new elements" into
    the negotiating process, which are not a subject of the talks.

    "Now there is a great chance of achieving peace, which may be lost
    due to the opposing side. I am calling on the Armenian side to use
    this opportunity," Azimov said. He did not specify what exactly the
    Armenians may lose.

    In reply to questions, Azimov partly touched upon complications that
    have arisen. "Azerbaijan's territories must be returned. In this
    context, it is impossible to claim Azerbaijani territories under the
    guise of a corridor. The Armenians may use a road passing through
    the Lacin corridor. However, the town of Lacin itself cannot remain
    under occupation," Azimov said.

    He also expressed his opinion on the status of Nagornyy Karabakh. He
    said that this issue may be resolved only with the participation of
    the Armenian and Azerbaijani communities of Nagornyy Karabakh.

    "Some of the people currently living in Nagornyy Karabakh are
    Armenians who came from abroad. The local Armenians, who are citizens
    of Azerbaijan, as well as Azerbaijanis, must themselves determine
    their status. For this, the Azerbaijani population must return to the
    territories being liberated, and mutual trust and economic relations
    must be restored," Azimov sad.

    He denied earlier media reports that only five occupied districts
    around Karabakh would be liberated. The question of liberating seven
    occupied districts is now being discussed. However, it is too early
    to talk about any agreement, Azimov said.

    Azimov categorically denied reports about a forthcoming referendum in
    Karabakh. "A referendum is not a subject of the talks. We are ready
    for any kind of cooperation within the framework of Azerbaijan's
    territorial integrity. Under the Azerbaijani constitution, there can
    only be a nationwide referendum, or no referendum at all," Azimov said.

    The opening of the Agdam-Xankandi[Stepanakert]-Susa-Lacin-Sisyan-Sahbuz
    road will serve the cause of normalizing relations and restoring
    cooperation and trust between the peoples. The Minsk Group co-chairmen
    support Azerbaijan on this issue. Turkey is also ready to open
    communications. It all depends on Armenia, Azimov said.