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No easy answer in Transdniester

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  • No easy answer in Transdniester

    Kyiv Post, Ukraine
    July 21 2005

    No easy answer in Transdniester
    Jul 21 2005, 02:28

    A plan introduced by Ukraine to resolve the 15-year struggle over the
    disputed region of Transdniester, the territory east of the Dniester
    River in Moldova, has met with some success, and augurs well for the
    larger diplomatic leadership role Ukraine wishes to play.

    The document, devised by Ukraine's National Security and Defense
    Council Secretary Petro Poroshenko, envisages an autonomous
    Transdniester within a sovereign Moldova, and democratic elections
    to the Transdniestrian parliamentary body by the end of the year.
    Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin called the document the "most
    checked out and promising" in the history of the conflict when the
    Moldovan parliament voted to support the plan on June 10.

    Yet, true to the form of the labyrinthine negotiations, "indispensable
    conditions" subsequently demanded by Moldovan legislators have
    proven to be irrevocably repugnant to key guarantors Transdniester and
    Russia. All in all, despite Ukraine's efforts, significant improvements
    to the situation continue to be elusive.

    This is dangerous, not only for Ukraine but all of Europe. Continued
    resistance on the part of the key actors will only perpetuate
    the malfeasance and lawlessness that has come to characterize the
    regime ruling the Russian-speaking enclave of 670,000 people. Known
    colloquially as the "black hole of Europe," Transdniester allegedly
    rakes in huge profits through tax-free trafficking schemes involving
    arms, drugs, cigarettes and other products. Viorel Cibotaru, program
    director at the Institute for Public Policy in Chisinau (IPP),
    estimates that Transdniestrian authorities have generated between
    $1 and $2 billion in illegal revenue, some of which is used to pay
    pro-Transdniestrian lobbies in Kyiv and Chisinau. The area is also
    notorious for its panoply of human rights violations.

    Ukraine has a vested interest in reigning in this Wild West of
    south-eastern Europe, given the Western course envisioned for the
    country by President Viktor Yushchenko's administration. Borys
    Tarasyuk, the head of Ukraine's Foreign Ministry, called ending the
    conflict "one of the most important tasks for Ukrainian national
    security" in February.

    Imperial shenanigans

    Transdniester has been affiliated with Russia since 1792, when
    it was incorporated into the Russian Empire. The rest of Moldova,
    which was also briefly a part of Tsarist Russia but historically a
    principality of Romania, was only added to the Soviet Union during
    the Second World War, when it was combined with Transdniester to make
    the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic.

    Unlike in Ukraine, where the Soviets cracked down on ethnic loyalty
    in favor of a stateless Soviet identity, they encouraged Moldovan
    nationalism. Considered artificial by many Moldovans today, the
    project was a way to quell ethnic identification with Romania.

    When the Soviet Union fell apart, the majority population of ethnic
    Ukrainians and Russians in Transdniester balked at the idea of being
    joined to Romania, a possibility being considered by the rest of
    Moldova. The conservative Soviet politicians in power in Transdniester
    exploited the natives' anxiety, and took the opportunity to declare
    the independence of the Dniester Moldovan Republic (DMR), as the
    Transdniestrian state was branded, in 1990. A short civil war soon
    broke out over the split, with the conflict ending when the Russians
    intervened militarily in the spring of 1992. Around 1,700 Russian
    peacekeepers still police the region, with Russia seen as attempting
    to safeguard a foothold in its old sphere of influence by supporting
    Transdniester's de facto independence from Moldova.

    A mini USSR

    Transdniestrian President Igor Smirnov and friends have more or less
    made Transdniester a living museum of the Soviet Union, retaining
    the region's infrastructure from the communist era, when the area was
    Moldova's industrial heart, and mimicking Soviet efforts to control
    the minds of the masses.

    Transdniester touts its own brand of nationalism while billing itself
    as the last bastion of Moldovanism (again, a construct promoted by
    Stalin), which it pits righteously against a Romanianized Moldova. On
    my recent trip through Tiraspol, Transdniester's capital, I saw
    freshly-painted slogans that proclaimed, "The DMR is our pride!" and
    profiles of Lenin displayed prominently on scruffy government

    Does the average Transdniestrian buy into this anachronistic
    ideology? Difficult question. First of all, many grassroots NGOs
    and Western organizations committed to democratizing the region have
    been harassed or barred from working by Transdniestrian authorities -
    making objective information about the native mindset hard to come
    by. But Natalya Belitser, an expert at the Pylyp Orlyk Institute for
    Democracy in Kyiv who has worked extensively with the region, proffers
    that Transdniestrians still have a "Soviet mentality that makes them
    unaware of the attractiveness of democracy." Media mostly limited to
    Transdniestrian and Russian sources, "informational brainwashing," as
    Belitser puts it, and poverty conspire to keep political consciousness
    low. A poll conducted by the IPP in February 2005 shows that only
    27 percent of non-Transdniestrian Moldovans are concerned or very
    concerned about politics.

    And in Moldova proper political consciousness and democratic freedoms,
    while hardly perfect, are widely seen as being better realized than
    on the other side of the Dniester.

    At the same time, the isolation and grinding poverty of Transdniester -
    which has an official GDP even lower than Moldova, the poorest country
    in Europe - must be hard to ignore, as is that along with a Soviet-like
    state come bizarre manifestations of its corruption.

    One notable example is the brand-new, state-of-the-art soccer stadium
    in Tiraspol's vacant and derelict outskirts, as out of place as a
    spring in the middle of a desert. There's even a Mercedes-Benz outlet
    in the stadium's bottom floor, which no one save the region's elite
    could ever dream of patronizing.

    An equally lavish Orthodox church has also reportedly been erected
    in Tiraspol. While these structures in some way benefit the local
    population because they are officially public facilities, more
    frequent, covert forms of corruption don't. As a result, "people are
    becoming more and more tired," says Belitser. "They want normal lives."

    But intimidating governance, coupled with the low political
    consciousness, easily stifles dissent.

    "Human rights don't exist in Transdniester," says Maxim Belinschii,
    a lawyer at the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Moldova.

    Stefan Uritu, the Committee's president, says that the right to
    free and fair elections; freedom of speech and mass movement; and
    an independent judiciary are all systematically violated. He also
    alleges, as the Helsinki Committee has formally attested, that the
    Transdniestrian regime is responsible for more insidious offenses,
    including the deaths and/or disappearances of locals critical of
    the regime.

    Transition in Transdniester?

    According to conflict resolution theory, the Transdniestrian dispute
    is one of the easiest to solve because, unlike conflicts in other
    Eurasian hotspots like Chechnya, Abkhazia and Nagorno-Karabakh, the
    dispute isn't predicated on religious or ethnic hatreds. "The conflict
    is an artificially constructed political issue," Belitser explains.

    On the other hand, those benefiting from Transdniester's lawlessness
    are not inclined to see the regime dismantled any time soon.

    "The main task of the Transdniestrian regime is to keep it going as
    long as possible," says Viorel Cibotaru, the program director at IPP.
    If the current regime maintains power and drive, as the stalled
    negotiations unfortunately suggest, "one hundred years from now,
    this game will still be the same."