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Shootout Ends Georgian Manhunt For Grenade Suspect

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  • Shootout Ends Georgian Manhunt For Grenade Suspect

    Radio Free Europe, Czech Rep
    July 21 2005

    Shootout Ends Georgian Manhunt For Grenade Suspect

    Presidents Bush (left) and Saakashvili during the May visit

    21 July 2005 (RFE/RL) -- Georgian police have announced the arrest
    of a 27-year-old ethnic Armenian suspected of throwing a live hand
    grenade in the direction of the Georgian and U.S. presidents during
    a high-profile public appearance in Tbilisi in May.

    The suspect, Vladimir Arutyunian, was captured overnight following
    a shootout that claimed the life of a senior police officer who
    specialized in counterintelligence.

    The final stage of Arutyunian's capture was broadcast live on Georgia's
    main television channels.

    Addressing reporters during an impromptu news briefing, Interior
    Minister Ivane Merabishvili said Arutyunian was apprehended in the
    Vashlijvari suburb of the Georgian capital Tbilisi.

    Arutyunian resisted arrest, opening fire on police officers.
    Merabishvili said the head of the Interior Ministry's
    counterintelligence department, Zurab Kvlividze, was killed in the

    "As [police] went to the house of the suspect, Vladimir Vladimirovich
    Arutyunian, he opened fire, causing the death of one of our men,
    Zurab Kvlividze," Merabishvile said. "Arutyunian was wounded in the
    shootout that followed and, a few minutes later, detained by a special
    police unit."

    Arutyunian sustained wounds in the leg and chest and was rushed to
    Tbilisi's Republican Hospital for treatment, where his condition is
    reportedly not life-threatening.

    Merabishvili insisted Arutyunian was still considered a suspect and
    that police would need a few more hours, perhaps days, to determine
    whether he is the man who allegedly threw the grenade.

    Attack On Two Presidents

    The incident was not reported until U.S. President George W. Bush
    left Georgia after addressing tens of thousands of people on Tbilisi's
    Freedom Square on 10 May.

    Georgian authorities reported then to the U.S. Secret Service that
    someone in the crowd had thrown a hand grenade folded in a red
    handkerchief toward the stage where Bush and Georgian President
    Mikheil Saakashvili were standing.

    Officials said the Russian-made grenade landed within 30 meters of
    both leaders, but failed to go off due to an apparent malfunction. A
    Georgian security officer reportedly picked up the device and removed
    it from the area.

    Reward Offered

    Georgian police have since been engaged in a nationwide manhunt that
    also involved U.S. investigators.

    Georgia's Interior Minister initially offered a reward worth 20,000
    laris ($11,000) to anyone with information leading to the arrest of
    a suspect. That reward was raised to 150,000 laris three days ago.

    Georgian television channels today showed photographs of a dark-haired
    man that were taken while he was attending Bush's address. Police
    said the man shown in the pictures is Arutyunian, an unemployed ethnic
    Armenian who lives alone with his mother.

    Arutyunian's mother, Anzhela, who was briefly detained for questioning,
    told reporters her son had disappeared for the past three days before
    returning home overnight.

    "He hasn't been home for the past three days," she said. "Before that,
    he was always here."

    U.S. Involvement In Hunt

    The U.S. Secret Service today said it was monitoring the investigation
    conducted by the Georgian authorities. It also denied being involved
    in Arutyunian's arrest.

    Georgia's Imedi television, however, said today that FBI agents were
    searching Arutyunian's apartment for further evidence.

    Unconfirmed Georgian news reports quote Interior Ministry officials as
    saying explosives and detonators, as well as chemical substances that
    could possibly serve to make a bomb, were found at Arutyunian's home.

    The Georgian presidential administration said today that, following
    the news of Arutyunian's arrest, Saakashvili has decided to cut short
    his vacation in the Netherlands and return to Tbilisi.