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BAKU: Azeri soldier killed in Armenian truce violation

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  • BAKU: Azeri soldier killed in Armenian truce violation

    Azeri soldier killed in Armenian truce violation

    Azad Azarbaycan TV, Baku
    21 Jul 05

    The Armenian armed forces are continuing to violate the cease-fire.
    ATV's Karabakh bureau has reported that the Armenian army sporadically
    fired from the occupied village of Talis in Agdara [District]
    on the village of Cayli in Tartar [District] for about two hours
    last night. Although the enemy was silenced by retaliatory fire
    in this area, a soldier of a military unit in Beylaqan [District],
    Rafael Cafarov, was killed as a result of the Armenian violation of
    the cease-fire.

    The [Azerbaijani] Defence Ministry reports that Rafael Cafarov, born
    in 1986, was drafted into the army by the Masalli district enlistment
    office. His body was handed over to his family yesterday. May he rest
    in peace.