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Construction Project Of Iran-Armenia Gas Pipeline Is Main...

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  • Construction Project Of Iran-Armenia Gas Pipeline Is Main...


    YEREVAN, JULY 19. ARMINFO. The construction project of Iran-Armenia
    gas pipeline is the main component for Armenia's energy security,
    Armenia's deputy energy minister Areg Galstyan stated at today's
    seminar on "Armenia's energy security".

    In his words, this project has been involved into Armenia's energy
    development strategy till 2025 ratified recently by country's
    government. Galstyan noted that active construction works are being
    continued at present at the first section from Meghri to Kajaran. He
    assured that the project will be realized completely in late 2006.

    Two agreements were signed between the Yerevan TPS and Iranian national
    company on gas export within the framework of Iranian petroleum and
    gas minister Bizhan Zangane to Yerevan on May 13-14, 2004. The first
    concerned the direct purchasing of the Iranian gas, the second -
    the payment of Iranian "pale blue fuel" with supplies of Armenian
    electric power from the Yerevan TPS - 3 kw-hour per one cubic meter
    of gas. These documents determine that the program will start from
    January 1, 2007. Later on, next two agreements were signed during a
    September visit of Iranian president Mohammad Khattami to Armenia. One
    of them concerned the allotment of $30 mln by the Iranian Bank of
    reconstruction and export for the construction of the Meghri-Kajaran
    first section of the gas pipeline.

    An agreement between "High-voltage network" CJSC and Iranian "Sanir"
    company on the construction of 42-km gas pipeline section in Armenia's
    territory was signed on the base of this document. The Iranian party,
    in its turn, undertook to construct a 110 km pipeline section from
    Tavriz to Meghri. "However, the realization of this part of the project
    will not allow to fulfill the terms of the contract as the Iranian
    party undertook to provide Armenia with no less than 1 bln cubic
    meter of gas, which the capacities of the first section do not allow,
    Simonyan noted adding that is why it is necessary to continue the gas
    pipeline construction on two directions - 55.4 km Kajaran-Sisian and
    99.7 km Jermuk-Ararat.

    At present, construction works on the first section in direction
    of Meghri-Kajaran in Armenia and Tavriz-Nordus in Iran have been
    started. "Sanir" company - a general contractor of the project,
    conducted a tender and signed an agreement with a subcontracted
    Iranian company. Specialists of "ArmRosgasprom" CJSC participate at
    the gas pipeline construction in Armenia's territory, Simonyan noted.