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Suspected attacker on Bush unrelated to Armenia - premier

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  • Suspected attacker on Bush unrelated to Armenia - premier

    ITAR-TASS News Agency
    July 24, 2005 Sunday 10:29 AM Eastern Time

    Suspected attacker on Bush unrelated to Armenia - premier

    By Tengiz Pachkoria


    Georgian police carry on the investigation of the May 10 attempted
    attack on U.S. President George Bush in Tbilisi.

    Suspect Vladimir Arutyunian, 27, admitted tossing a grenade. He is
    charged with illegal weapon and premeditated murder of a Georgian
    Interior Ministry officer. The Tbilisi city court authorized his
    three-month arrest pending trial on Saturday.

    On Sunday a team of the U.S. FBI opened the basement of a house on
    the Tbilisi outskirts where the suspect lived. The basement was
    sealed by Georgian police. Presumably, the suspect made grenades in
    that basement. Results of the search have not been announced.

    Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli hopes that the police will
    soon finalize the investigation. He said he would not discuss the
    Arutyunian situation with visiting Armenian Prime Minister Andranik

    Meanwhile, Margarian said that the Arutyunian case was not related to
    Armenia. "I do not know why Arutyunian did that, but I know that he
    is a citizen of Georgia and his actions are unrelated to Armenia and
    the Armenian people," he said.