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New Brunswicker joins Noah's Ark expedition to Ararat

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  • New Brunswicker joins Noah's Ark expedition to Ararat

    New Brunswicker joins Noah's Ark expedition to Ararat

    July 14, 2005
    By Diane Trail
    _ChristianWeek_ (

    MONCTON, NB -- At his desk in front of a myriad of cords and server
    engines that are the computer nerve center for _Atlantic Baptist
    University_ ( (ABU), David Graves seems an
    improbable candidate for an archaeological expedition in search of
    Noah's Ark. He is the sole Canadian on the 18-member team with
    _ArcImaging_ ( , an evangelical Christian
    archaeological research group preparing to scale Mount Ararat in
    Turkey this summer.

    Graves, director of computer services and a part-time faculty member
    at ABU, is more than a little excited about the prospect of climbing
    Mount Ararat. He is working on his doctorate in Biblical Studies from
    the University of Aberdeen and Highland Theological College in
    Scotland, and teaches archaeology as part of an ABU-Oxford program in

    The 48-year-old has visited many archaeological sites in Israel,
    Turkey and Egypt, but this will be his first "dig." Graves' main task
    on the mountain will be to run the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to
    map slices of everything beneath the ice to the mountain's volcanic
    surface. Ararat is 17,274 feet high -- the highest mountain in Turkey
    and the largest mountain in the world by mass. The mountain's peak
    above 15,000-foot elevation is under an icecap of 200-300 feet.

    "When [Rex] Geissler asked me if I would consider joining him on the
    expedition, I said 'Let me think about it. Yes!'" says Graves,
    sporting a shy smile and spiked white hair.

    Geissler is president of ArcImaging (Archaeological Imaging Research
    Consortium), based in Colorado. Geissler and Graves only met in March
    of this year when they were together on a tour of archaeological sites
    in Egypt.

    "We just hit it off," says Graves. "We have a lot in common with our
    backgrounds in computers. He owns a database company. We were both
    very interested in Turkey and archaeology . . . Next thing I knew I
    was director of operations and logistics for the expedition and in
    charge of the GPR for the site."

    Graves is undergoing rigorous physical training to improve stamina and
    cardiovascular fitness in preparation for the climb. He also hopes the
    training will help him avoid altitude sickness, a potentially fatal
    respiratory illness associated with oxygen-thin mountain air. Other
    hazards of the climb and mountaintop work site include lightning; no
    trees to protect from sudden snowstorms; steep, icy cliffs; plus wild
    dogs and scorpions at lower elevations.

    Graves is also endeavouring to raise $14,000 for his winter clothing,
    specialized ice-climbing equipment, training and general expenses.

    As a biblical scholar, Graves believes the _biblical narrative_
    of the Great Flood, which says that Noah's Ark went aground in Mount
    Ararat region. Faith and science can co-exist, he says and he believes
    this expedition is about seeking scientific proof for biblical fact.

    In defence of their search for Noah's Ark, ArcImaging's website
    states, "Liberal scholars [have] criticized many things throughout the
    Bible. Archaeology has shown many of these criticisms to be wrong,
    from Genesis 12 through Revelation. But Genesis 1-11 is still viewed
    as myth. If part of Noah's Ark were substantiated, it would support
    the Bible and Noah back to Genesis 5 . . .

    Noah's Ark would actually give support for all three major [Abrahamic]
    world religions -- Judaism, Christianity and Islam."

    "This [expedition] is much more about adventure and raw research. It's
    not a holy pilgrimage," says Graves.

    ArcImaging is the first organization to receive permission from the
    Turkish government to survey Mount Ararat since 1981. The
    archaeological organization conducted previous research in 2001 on one
    part of Ararat. The group is conducting its search in co-operation
    with the Archaeology Department of _Ataturk University_
    ( and the Turkish
    ministries in Ankara.

    "ArcImaging does the research, but the artefacts remains in Turkey,"
    says Graves. "If we find something, we melt a tunnel and take

    The team hopes the Turkish government will grant research visas for
    the trip.

    The threat of military manoeuvers -- the cause of visa refusals for
    the last couple of years -- may prove their biggest obstacle. Mount
    Ararat is on the border of Iraq and Iran, with Middle East tensions
    posing danger to outsiders.

    Although Graves is inexperienced in some ways, Geissler has great
    confidence in him.

    "What stood out was his organization and computer skills, and his
    ability to put together plans," Geissler told Times-Transcript by
    phone from Colorado.

    "He exhibited a real sense of excitement about the project as well,
    and that's one thing that attracts me to people when they're excited
    about being a part of it and helping out with it."

    "He becomes one of most valuable members of our team because of his
    [GPR] training," Geissler said.

    The international team, including nine Christian archaeologists,
    glaciologists, experienced Ararat climbers and photographers, is being
    recruited to investigate the site sometime between July 15 and August