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Armenian and Georgian PMs Visit Javakhk

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  • Armenian and Georgian PMs Visit Javakhk


    26 July 05

    Armenians of Georgia Demand to Reject the Project of Akhalkalak-Kars

    Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli met his Armenian counterpart
    Andranik Margarian at the Armenian-Georgian border, and they headed
    for Satkha village of Ninotsminda region after a short talk. The prime
    ministers of neighboring countries stated in their appearance before
    the villagers that the governments aim at improving the life in Satkha
    as well as in other villages of the region. The next destination of
    Nogaideli and Margarian was Gandza -- the birthplace of great Armenian
    poet Vahan Terian.

    The prime ministers lit candles at Surp Karapet Armenian church built
    in 1852 by Terian's grandfather Ter Ghazar. They visited the
    house-museum of the poet and took part in the celebration of the
    poet's 120th anniversary. "The wish of both governments is to create
    conditions for a good life of Javakhk Armenians on their land", said
    Andranik Margarian in his speech. The Armenian PM said that the
    Georgian government has projects of socio-economic development of the
    region, of road and school construction and creation of
    infrastructures. Margarian expressed wish that centuries-long
    friendship of the two peoples will stand firm despite
    instigations. "Don't think that everybody is our friend. We should
    build our future together with the Georgian people. We should
    strengthen our state with our hands" Armenian PM said.

    In Akhalkalak, the crowd met Armenian and Georgian PMs with banners
    reading "No to Javakhk-Kars Railway". Armenians of Samtskhe-Javakhk
    region presented their demands to the PMs: 1. To stop discriminatory
    policy against Armenians of the region. 2. To grant Armenian language
    status of regional in Samtskhe-Javakhk and Tsalke. 3. To preserve the
    tradition of teaching in Armenian at the Armenian schools of Georgia,
    including Armenian history as a compulsory subject in the
    curriculum. 4. To stop the policy of appropriation and elimination of
    Armenian cultural monuments. 5. To build a road network in a short
    period that would connect Javakhk with Tbilisi and Armenia.

    Armenian Prime Minister was optimistic over the Georgian project of
    allocating $120 million for road construction beginning in 2007. The
    US will assign $100 of this sum. The estimated deadline for the
    functioning of Akhalkalak-Akhaltskha, Akhaltskha-Tsalka-Tbilisi,
    Akhalkalak-Karzakh (Georgian-Turkish border) and Ninotsminda-Bavra
    roads is 2009.

    "Construction of Kars-Akhalkalak-Tbilisi railway is the inner issue of
    Georgia", Andranik Margarian told journalists adding that Georgia is
    ready to support in reopening Kars-Gyumri-Tbilisi railway.

    By Tatoul Hakobian in Javakhk