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Entertainment Complex for non-Muslims to be established in Iran

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  • Entertainment Complex for non-Muslims to be established in Iran

    Payvand, Iran
    July 25 2005

    Entertainment Complex for non-Muslims to be established in Iran's
    Qeshm island

    Tehran - 25 July, 2005 (CHN) - A residential, tourist and
    entertainment complex will be soon constructed in Persian Gulf island
    of Qeshm by Armenians who live in Iran. In the complex, Iranian
    religious minorities and foreigners can experience entertainments
    without usual Islamic limitations which are current in Iran.

    "Marina tourist agency, which belongs to an Armenian lady, has
    grasped the license for establishing the complex in which women and
    men can swim jointly" said Ali Akbar Einollahi, the tourist deputy of
    Qeshm free zone.

    "The mentioned Agency has requested building a complex," he added,
    "in which Armenians and foreigners can have entertainments according
    to their regulations, and also, can hold their ceremonies and

    According to him, establishing such a complex can make a positive
    influence on attracting foreign tourists who are now more
    concentrated in Dubai.

    He asserted that the initial license was issued in Tehran and the
    second license is waiting to be signed by the province officials.

    Only Armenian minority and foreigners are allowed to enter the
    complex and the entrance of Iranian Moslems is forbidden. The special
    ceremonies, like Christmas and The Easter, can also be held in the

    Einollahi explained that these activities can provide entertainment
    opportunities here in the country, so Iranians do not have to travel
    to destinations like Dubai, with spending great expenses!

    The initial plans, he indicated, are ready. A suitable plot of land
    was chosen and handed to the agency. Iran Cultural Heritage and
    Tourism organization will support the construction of the complex by
    providing long-term loans.