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EBRD provides $3m finance to Armenian bank

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  • EBRD provides $3m finance to Armenian bank

    EBRD provides $3m finance to Armenian bank

    July 25 2005

    Press Release - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

    The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is providing a
    $3 million financing to the Agricultural Cooperative Bank of Armenia
    (ACBA). The loan is the first in Armenia of a new type of EBRD
    instrument, the Medium-Sized Loan Co-Financing Facility (MCFF).

    The MCFF is one of several instruments offered in Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Tajikistan and
    Uzbekistan, the Bank's seven lowest-income countries of operation,
    under the Early Transition Countries (ETC) initiative. This
    initiative, launched by the EBRD in 2004, aims to stimulate market
    activity by using a streamlined approach to financing more and
    smaller projects, mobilising more investment, and encouraging
    economic reform. The initiative is part of an international effort to
    address poverty in these members of the Commonwealth of Independent
    States (the former Soviet Union). The Bank will accept higher risk in
    the projects it finances in the ETCs, while still respecting the
    principles of sound banking.

    The MCFF is available to banks with strong credit policies and
    procedures, but which are limited in the loans they can provide to
    local corporate clients. It allows ACBA to co-finance, with the EBRD,
    bigger sub-loans to its clients and share with the EBRD any risks
    involved with such lending. While ACBA's internal credit procedures
    have until now limited any credit exposure per single borrower to a
    maximum of $180,000, with the help of the MCFF it will be able to
    offer its most trusted and financially viable clients from $400,000
    to $1 million.

    ACBA was created in 1996 to help farmers find finance after Armenia
    privatised state-held land. It was modelled on France's Credit
    Agricole. Its structure -- with collective ownership based on village
    cooperative associations, and coffers swelled at the grassroots by
    more than 20,000 farmers' sign-up fees of $10 - is unique in the
    former Soviet space. ACBA has since developed business outside
    agriculture in almost all areas of the economy. The EBRD is delighted
    to make this co-financing available to ACBA, which is now Armenia's
    largest bank by capitalisation, and generates solid profits, said
    Michael Weinstein, head of the EBRD's Armenia Resident Office.