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Istanbul: Four New Priests To Be Ordained On Thursday

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  • Istanbul: Four New Priests To Be Ordained On Thursday

    Lraper Church Bulletin 26/07/2005
    Contact: Deacon Vagharshag Seropyan
    Armenian Patriarchate
    TR-34130 Kumkapi, Istanbul
    T: +90 (212) 517-0970, 517-0971
    F: +90 (212) 516-4833, 458-1365
    [email protected] <>


    The Chancellery of the Armenian Patriarchate has officially announced
    that the Holy Mystery of Ordination to the Order of Priesthood will be
    celebrated on Thursday 28 July 2005, on the Feast of Saints Giragos and
    Hughida in the Armenian Church of the Holy Mother of God in Besiktas,

    On Wednesday 27 July 2005, the Reverend Deacons Sahag Bicakciyan, Sevan
    Civanyan, Harutyun Mkhitaryan and Hayk Koparyan will kneel at the main
    door of the Holy Mother of God Patriarchal Church in Kumkapi and will be
    officially called to the Holy Order of Priesthood by His Beatitude
    Mesrob II, Armenian Patriarch of Istanbul & All Turkey, who will also
    question the ordinands publicly regarding doctrinal matters.

    On Thursday morning, the Holy Mystery of Ordination will be celebrated
    in the Besiktas Armenian Church during the Holy Eucharist offered by His
    Beatitude the Patriarch. According to the Holy Canons of the Armenian
    Church, just before the Readings of the day, the Patriarch will first
    lay hands on the heads of the deacons, conferring on them the Holy Order
    of Priesthood.

    The second part of the Mystery of Ordination will take place just before
    the passing of the Kiss of Peace, when the Patriarch will anoint the
    foreheads and both hands of the newly ordained priests with Holy Myron.

    In keeping with the Holy Tradition of the Armenian Church, the new
    priests will then enter a period of complete seclusion, of fasting and
    meditation, before officiating at their first Divine Liturgy.

    Saint Hughida (Julitta, also known as Juliot), a Christian widow, fled
    from Iconium (modern Konya) with her three-year-old child Giragos
    (Cyriacus) in order to avoid persecution during Emperor Diocletian's
    reign. The saintly Christian lady was captured and sentenced to death at
    Tarsus in 305. Giragos made a childish attack on the sentencing
    magistrate, and announced that he was a Christian like his mother. The
    angry magistrate threw the child to the ground, smashing his skull and
    killing him instantly. Following this, the child's mother Saint Hughida
    was also horribly tortured and died a martyr's death. Legend says that
    from the site of their burial there erupted a miraculous spring of water
    that cured the sick and improved the health of those who were immersed
    in it.

    The Armenian Church of Saint Giragos in Diyarbakir is erected to the
    glory of God and in memory of the martyred mother and child. The roof of
    the church building has lately collapsed and the Patriarchal See is
    awaiting permission from the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of
    Turkey for the formation of a new parish council in order for the
    restoration project to be implemented.